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I' M M..E..L..L..L..T-ing


nana-nini38.014 years agoHive.Blog2 min read


We live one block from the shore of Lake Winnebago. It is the largest lake located entirely within the US borders. (locally known tidbit). It is awesome. I brushed up on my facts on the state DNR (Department of Natural Resources) site and the lake is huge. Approximately 30 miles by 10 miles. 88 miles of shoreline. With a precious few feet on public land one block from home.

The winter cycle from the entie lake freezing into solid ice to spring thaw is hard to comprehend. First, it is that cold for that long to create from 12 to 18 inches of ice. Solid enough to driv e on. And we do. Well, not me. Nope. That in itself is mind blowing.

After a tradition of road and bridge building, they navigate the ice to tow fishing shanties and various other out building type structures out for ice fishing (beer drinking) expiditions. Looks like a city out there in the middle of the lake. Again, mind blowing.

Anyway, when weather warms the cycle begins to reverse. But it is a long thaw. Starts with slushy during the day and re-freezing at night. Weakening the ice. Fishermen begin to take more pre-cautions and shanties begin to disappear. Foot traffic is still safe.

When temperatures become steadily warmer the shorelines thaw. And cracks begin. And the water fowl love it. This was last weekend.


Notice in the background....the darker 'water' I will speak to that below.


Next, it becomes what is called black ice. It is soft and porous and absorbs the water. Turning it black. The ice cracks, which we can hear even a block away. Definitely no longer safe for auto or even foot traffic.

But it doesn't all just evaporate or melt into the water. Way too much ice. The spring winds stir and push the ice breaking it into huge blocks and shoves it towards which ever way the wind blows. Thus, ice shoves. They are spectacular. Can be damaging as well.






Then these little gems that spilled over just to sparkle and be pretty.


I still wonder at the natural course of the season. It is a process, a nature show, beauty. To be appreciated. And proof it is too darn cold around here!


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