Wisconsin Winter Wonderland. From fall to thaw.
Last of my multi-post series on winter in Wisconsin. I touched first on typical sights of winter. Next on the endurance it takes to weather a winter.
This last post is simply about ice. Since a picture says a thousand words I am having trouble adding commentary. I've added a few words here and there.
The ice is a hardship. Hard to drive, hard to walk, hard to remove, hard on trees and plants, hard on electrcal wires.
On the flip side, I found many instances of ice creating unique scenes. Everywhere.
The lead picture is the shallow water at the lake shore. Cool.
Following are random photos. I will let you find words to describe.
I forgot to mention it is hard on the gutters.
Ok, this beauty was taken through the ice on my porch door. A charming little setting!
The lake provides the most dramatic show.....
So, I have risked boring a bunch of people but am hoping some enjoyed or was exposed to a climate so unlike their own.
Thank you.