Pride of money is not good.
In fact, in our world, each person is born in a family. In fact, some of them are born in rich families, some are born in middle class families, and the rest are all born in poor families. In fact, not everyone is born with a golden spoon in their mouth. In fact those who are not born in this world with a golden spoon have a lot of trouble. In fact no matter how hard they work they cannot improve their lives. And people who have a lot of money in this world have a little more pride than other people. Actually I think that people who are already rich always help other people. Also there is no pride in them. In fact, pride resides within those who acquire large amounts of money through dishonest means.
In fact in our society we see some people who were poor earlier and suddenly earn a lot of money in life by adopting various dishonest means. In fact, these people never consider people as people after reaching high places. In fact, the fact that they become arrogant is reflected in their behavior. In fact, no matter how much good people progress in life and how much money they earn, pride never comes down in their life. In fact they want to always act like normal people and live normal life. Also, no matter how much these people reach the pinnacle of development, they never forget their previous condition. In fact they always remember their previous state.
And those who never remember the previous situation, they cannot be known as good people in life. Everyone in this world says that money makes people arrogant. Actually I think this is completely wrong. Because good people never change their behavior for money. Actually these people are loved by everyone and these people always work hard for the common people of the country. In fact, they can't give as much time to their family as they spend time on common people. In fact, those who become arrogant can never control their greed. And the more money bad people make, the more greedy they become.
And that's why we all take this vow that no matter how big we get in life and no matter how much money we earn, we will never be greedy and never hurt anyone. In fact if we earn huge amount of money by making people suffer and don't treat people as human then we will be lower than animals. And considering these things, we should never awaken this sense of pride within us. And we will always try to benefit people and always keep an eye on how to help people. No matter how much money you earn in life, your name will come only when you donate some of that money to the poor. In fact, if we can help the poor in this way, no one will consider us arrogant. And pride must always be left out of life.
Hope you all like today's post. Don't forget to comment if you like it.
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