Individual being
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"Perhaps this is it, the end or the new beginning of matter. Millions of creatures changing their state, transformed through consciousness..."
Individual being

Life is
in constant evolution,
therefore, creation does not end yet
and we are part of it
we are more than what we believe,
the true potential
possibly, is much more complex
Sometimes I ask myself:
Why am I so imperfect?
We are all creators of something,
except for that which is hopeless...

I write from
my existential vector,
a boundary between poetry
and the universe_
of the same project,
so my life is worth,
and it's worth more because I believe...
I believe, that there is an architect
behind the model
and I am the creature,
the son of an orphan...

If we remain
subject to attachment,
we will never get anything
from a perishable world
Every end
has a beginning
and the only thing that does not die
is that which is not born
We forget the individual being
the only object of study
that it is worthwhile to come
to understand it...

Sea, my existential vector
the psychologist's chair
and the verse that transcends
seeking to heal...
to the edge of the universe
and the distancing
from the material world
I am not trying to mitigate fear;
cannot feel fear
who in the word
finds his center
I'm not the only one!,
what does he do to himself
the existential question,
but, among millions,
I take care of searching
being individual
Image source: link
