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When a person moves towards evil.


mulik369211.418 months ago5 min read
We come into contact with many people. Due to excessive contact, arguments and differences of opinion are common. Disagreements and debates can happen with people at home, in the office, or anywhere in society. If that debate is for that moment and only for that topic, then it is fine. Later, he gets well. But we see some member of the family, or some junior in the office, or some relative whom we keep cursing again and again on some issue. What happens is that little by little, the anger starts getting suppressed in his mind.It is his compulsion to get the anger out.



Therefore, he also loses his self-confidence. And the feeling of revenge gradually starts taking birth in his mind. And he becomes subject to a stealth attack. He is secretly conspiring to harm you. Therefore, we should not humiliate any person so much or take advantage of any person's helplessness so much that he goes on the path of becoming bad. Perhaps the one who has failed in trying to become good becomes a bad person. Therefore, giving excessive trouble to someone means creating an enemy for yourself. We see many examples of this.
I remember an example from the Mahabharata. Among them, some people know Uncle Shakuni, which means not everyone knows much. Meaning, he was an artist even to this extent, and perhaps even to this extent, he created enmity between Kauravas and Pandavas. But Uncle Shakuni has his own story. When the daughter of the king of Gandhara has become marriageable and Gandhari, the daughter of the king of Gandhara, is very beautiful and well-mannered,. Bhishma Pitamah got the news about this. Gandhara was a small kingdom; today's Kandahar is in Afghanistan.


That used to be the Gandhara kingdom. When the grandfather went to Gandhara with the army, the king of Gandhara, his son, and everyone else opposed him because the person whom she wanted to marry was Prince Dhritarashtra, who was blind, and he did not like his sister's marriage with a blind man. Still, they could not handle such a great emperor. Princess Gandhari had to get married. When she protested, she was imprisoned. And the king and his hundred sons were all put in jail. Shakuni was the youngest son among the hundred sons. That is why he was also called Saubala. He was also in jail. The Kauravas had kept him in prison only to die. And it was ordered that only one person's food should be given to all of them. How can so many people eat the food of one person? How many days can they eat after sharing it? Slowly, people started dying, and then the remaining people decided that none of them could survive on this much food.

They decided that they have to die, so from today onwards only Shakuni will eat food, and they will die of hunger. We will keep Shakuni alive. And the same thing happened: when Shakuni's father was about to die, the grandfather forgave Shakuni. One day, Shakuni's father called Shakuni near. And when he came closer, he used all his strength and kicked Shakuni's knee hard. Shakuni's knee got broken in that.Shakuni said to his father, “Father, I am your son; why did you kill me? Then he said that these Kauravas have completely destroyed us, tortured and killed all the people, forcefully married your sister with their power, and committed such big atrocities. I have killed you so that you will remember this for the rest of your life. Remember, the annihilation of the Kauravas is the ambition of your life. And I give you one power: after my death, make two pieces of my spinal cord. These pieces will have marks as per your wish. Will give. After the death of his father, Shakuni was released and said that you could take care of your kingdom. Or you can stay here. Shakuni decided to live in Hastinapur. Shakuni won the hearts of all the people by staying in Hastinapur. He brought Duryodhana under his control. He established trust with his sister and Drutashtra. Foolish and angry Duryodhana made him his minister. Pandavas are their enemies, and he kept feeding this poison to Duryodhana. And after meeting the foolish Duryodhana, Shakuni made up all the incidents. Get it done. It was not that he loved Duryodhana. He was also an enemy of Shakuni. But he destroyed everyone with his intelligence and strong spirit. In the Mahabharata, Shakuni has seen everyone die. From Pitamah to the hundred Kauravas, Duryodhana to everyone. At the end, Shakuni met Sahadev. Friends, therefore, if a person is subjected to excessive torture, he can become extremely dangerous. We learn this from this. Thanks so much for reading.
User Name@mulik369
LocationPanvel New Mumbai ,Maharashtra,India
TextText translated into English with Google Translator.
Original text,of my authorship Exclusive to Hive Blog.



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