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Splinterlands Community Engagement Challenge: Rebellion Reward Card Reviews

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mrdani12476.6412 days agoHive.Blog3 min read
  ![image.png](https://images.hive.blog/DQmUsEy7dVJxtsJfNzo1VNcWJPWd9q7NhTNDR89ETVG3Ls6/image.png)   Hello community friends,

Greeting from @mrdani12 to all my beautiful friends, hopefully you guys are doing well , Today I am going to share the my rebillion card in the battle which is my reward card and I am very lucky that I get this card in minor loot chest which is very good , I was very excited to see this interesting and powerful card , I buy spell book yesterday, I play many games and then finally I got this card through glints .This is rare card fire unit but this card is very powerful , I love this card , And use many times in the battle .



Drybone Megaladon


Mana cost :

This fire monster cost 8 mana which is good compare to the ability of this unit.


This monster is very powerful, I got this monster in level 2 which is very good for me to use this monster in level 2.


Stats and skills :

This card have some interesting and powerful stats and skill, This monster cost 8 mana with +4 melee attack with 2 speed, This monster have 3 shield with 6 hp at level 2 , which make this monster very interesting and powerful. I got this monster in level 2.

Abilities :

Form level 1 to level 3 this monster have 1 abilities and at max level this monster can get 2 more abilities overall this monster have 3 abilities which make this monster powerful unit of splinterland. I am going to level up this monster upto max level. At current stat this monster have flank abilities which is very interesting , I use this monster in the battle .





My stratgies for this card to use in the battle

I use this monster for the battle , My stratagies is little bit different but I am in learning position , This monster is very powerful , I start the battle and chose this monster for first position , This monster is melee attack which give 4 melee attack to the opponent team , The abiltiy make this monster very interesting , I use this monster in first position because with chosing this monster in first position due to ability you can use another melee monster in the second position and they gain reach ability which can also attack from the second position. This is the best stratigy of mine to use this monster in the battle field .



All these images are taken from splinterland.com
Join in the game Splinterlands through my referral link . https://splinterlands.com?ref=shadowseeker1 ](https://splinterlands.com/?p=about-player)





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