Emotional puppeteers
Sadly, people who lack self-love may not have been loved properly from childhood. It is heartbreaking to realise how some people have been deprived of proper love from an early age, leaving them vulnerable to emotional manipulators.
These expert puppeteers prey on the emotional shortcomings of these people, playing on their feelings and giving them only small doses of affection, just enough to keep them trapped in a relentless search for love.
It is amazing how the victims find themselves trapped in a dynamic of emotional dependency, eagerly awaiting the crumbs of love they are offered.
These people cannot see their own worth and do not understand that they deserve much more than that.
A lack of self-esteem and confidence prevents them from recognising their own worth and accepting that they deserve full and genuine love.
The manipulative power of emotional puppeteers is astounding.
They disguise themselves as kind and loving people, using emotional blackmail and kind words to keep their puppets under their control.
Their aim is none other than to destroy any vestige of self-respect that may exist in these people, leaving them even more vulnerable and dependent.
It is heartbreaking to think that these people, even in moments of clarity and lucidity, are unable to see the reality of their situation.
Insecurity and lack of self-esteem become the perfect allies for emotional manipulators, keeping their victims emotionally bound and unable to escape.
It is essential that people lacking self-love realise their own worth and distance themselves from emotional manipulators.
They must learn to love themselves, to recognise that they deserve full and healthy love.
Only through building a solid self-esteem can they free themselves from the clutches of emotional puppeteers and find the happiness and love they deserve.
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