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Domingo de Pasear馃グ馃挄 || Sunday Strolling馃グ馃挄 [Esp-Eng]


milagrosmhbl12.5 K5 months agoPeakD6 min read



Hola amigos de #Familyandfriends feliz inicio de seana, espero sea de mucho exito para todos, por ac谩 iniciamos con las pilas recargadas 馃挭馃挭 y parte de eso se debe a que ayer pudimos hace un peque帽o paseo en familia, y yo bo se a ustedes, pero a mi eso me recarga el solo hecho de salir a caminar a otro lugar junto a mis amores me encanta, pero si a eso le sumas comidita rica, mejor aun 馃槀y eso fue lo que sucedio ayer, y les cuento un poco mas a continuacion馃憞

Hello friends of #Familyandfriends happy start of the week, I hope it will be very successful for everyone, here we start with recharged batteries 馃挭馃挭 and part of that is because yesterday we were able to do a little walk as a family, and I don't know about you, but to me that recharges me, just going for a walk to another place with my loves, I love it, but if you add some delicious food to that, even better 馃槀and that's what happened yesterday, and I'll tell you a little more below馃憞


Resulta que este fin de semana tampoco pude ir a casa de mis padres, entre muchas de las razones, la principal es que alla ahorita no tienen agua, adicional a eso la luz esta fallando mucho, asi que no voy a ir a gastarles la poca agua que puedan tener, asi que bueno decid铆 quedarme en la casa, el sabado fue dia de limpieza profunda, pero ayer dijimos que teniamos que salir del encierro jaja asi que despues de debatir donde ibamos a ir, terminamos decidiendo ir a cenar en un lugar de hamburguesas que tengo tiempo queriendo visitar, manejan buenos precios y sobretodo una comida que se ve muy deliciosa jeje mi hermano ya ha comido ahi y el que pesa 125kg se come la mitad 馃サ calculen como sera la hamburguesa completa!! Pero bueno, esa era el plan principal, pero como ayer domingo comimos pescadito frito y fue un poco tarde, a las 6pm aun no ten铆amos hambre como para cenar .asi que nos fuimos a la plaza cerca del lugar a pasear un rato con los ni帽os

It turns out that this weekend I couldn't go to my parents' house either, among many reasons, the main one is that they don't have water there right now, in addition to that the electricity is failing a lot, so I'm not going to waste the little water they may have, so I decided to stay at home, Saturday was a deep cleaning day, but yesterday we said we had to get out of the confinement haha so after debating where we were going to go, we ended up deciding to go to dinner at a burger place that I've been wanting to visit for a long time, but yesterday we said we had to get out of the confinement haha so after debating where we were going to go, we ended up deciding to go to dinner at a burger place that I have been wanting to visit for a while, they have good prices and above all a food that looks very delicious hehe my brother has already eaten there and the one that weighs 125kg eats half 馃サ calculate how the whole burger will be! ! But well, that was the main plan, but since yesterday Sunday we ate fried fish and it was a little late, at 6pm we still weren't hungry enough for dinner, so we went to the plaza near the place to walk around for a while with the kids.



como ven, ya est谩 decorada de navidad 馃檮 locuras del presidente, pero bueno nosotros aprovechamos de tomarnos las foticos!! Como veran Ema y Chris estaban guapisimos 馃槏馃槏 se ven bellos verdad? Jeje Chris dice "mami nos vemos elegantes" jajaja es que claro en la casa estan ultimamente casi que desnudos jaja con este calor馃サ馃サ

As you can see, it's already decorated for Christmas 馃檮 crazy things of the president, but we took the opportunity to take some pictures! As you can see Ema and Chris were gorgeous 馃槏馃槏 they look beautiful right? Hehe Chris says "mommy we look elegant" hahaha is that of course in the house are lately almost naked haha with this heat馃サ馃サ馃サ



En la plaza tambien hay un area con columpios y sube y baja que obvio Chris y Ema no iban a pelar jeje aunque Chris no se quiso montar en el columpio, asi que mientras yo le tomaba fotos, Emita si disfrutaba con su papi ayudandola por supuesto

In the plaza there is also an area with swings and seesaw that obviously Chris and Ema were not going to fight hehe although Chris did not want to ride the swing, so while I was taking pictures, Emita was enjoying with her daddy helping her of course.




Despues de sudar un poco en el parque decidimos comernos 2 heladitos en dominic que estaba ahi mismo en la plaza, los ni帽os mas que contentos jeje pero solo 2, compartimos, Alber con Chris y Ema conmigo porque si comprabamos una para cada uno, no ibamos a cenar.

After sweating a little in the park we decided to eat 2 ice cream at Dominic's right there in the square, the kids were more than happy hehe but only 2, we shared, Alber with Chris and Ema with me because if we bought one for each of us, we were not going to have dinner.


Pasados unos 40 minutos nos fuimos al lugar de las hamburguesas que queria probar pero saben que? ESTABA CERRADO 馃檭馃檭 pero cono habia hambre en el penal, terminamos comiendo al frente en un lugar que llaman "La calle dem hambre" y bueno estaban riquisimas las hamburguesas jeje gracias a Dios, pero me sigo quedando con la espinita de probar las otras 馃槀馃槀 Ema se sentia algo nalita asi que casi no comio馃槦 y Chris solo comio la mitad, el helado al final si da帽o la cena jeje pero bueno, en resumidas cuentas, fue una excelente noche con mis amores馃槏馃挄

After about 40 minutes we went to the hamburger place that I wanted to try but you know what? IT WAS CLOSED 馃檭馃檭 but as there was hunger in the prison, we ended up eating across the street in a place called "La calle dem hambre" and well they were delicious burgers hehe thanks God, but I still have the thorn of trying the others 馃槀馃槀 Ema was feeling a little sick so she almost didn't eat馃槦 and Chris only ate half of it, the ice cream at the end did hurt the dinner hehe but well, to sum it up, it was an excellent night with my loves馃槏馃挄.




Fotos de mi propiedad
Portada editada en Canvas

Photos of my property
Cover edited in Canvas


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