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Great Red Dragon & Beast from the Sea


mikewick772.625 years agoHive.Blog


William Blake
The Great Red Dragon

The Great Red Dragon Paintings are a series of watercolour paintings by the English poet and painter William Blake, painted between 1805 and 1810.

Francis Barrett
The Magus (Barrett book)

The Magus, or Celestial Intelligencer is a handbook of the occult and ceremonial magic compiled by occultist Francis Barrett published in 1801


all religions, all mythology, creation myths.. match up perfectly, its all basically true.

the missing planet tiamat/ceres.. destroyed by zeus/jupiter.. salt water & fresh water mixed.. fell upon gaia/earth.. absorbed fallout of tiamat naga dragons, hidden within the 7 levels of tartarus.. lake of fire, enki flower of life, subconscious messiah

child abuse, subconscious noosphere.. muddy abzu waters, tablets of destiny, dreams into nightmares. they are deliberately feeding blood ritual sacrifice into the subconscious messiah.. enki, apollo.. kingu. reason because this planet in the home of tiamat nagas fallout.

SL9 is Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 impacted Jupiter in 1994.


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