Stronger Together: A Memorable Team-Building Experience at School
Good day hivers! It's me again @michelleeeeys, this blog is all about my memorable experience of our team building in our school when I was on my freshmen years in college. Are you ready to unleash a new adventure and a new thrill? Well, if yes! Get ready as we grasp one of my core memories. Without any further ado, let's begin!
This memory is one of my core memories, it's because this team building taught me how to communicate with other people. On this team building, I did get a chance to get to know the other students. This team building also focuses on how to practice being a good leader. It was really exciting and there were so many challenges that we should face, and teamwork was very crucial. It's very crucial because without teamwork, the teams will not succeed if one of the members of the won't cooperate. So, in order to pass every challenge every member should work together.
On this challenge, the member of the group at the end of the line will see the word and she will start drawing on the back of the next person and until it reaches to the person who is in the front, and she draw it correctly the team will proceed to the next challenge. It was really fun because some people don't know how to draw, and it will lead to misdrawing and the person in the front will find it very confusing.
On this game, the facilitators spread a fake money at the sand and the team should pick one dictator or a leader, that person will be the eyes of the remaining members. The remaining members will be blind folded, the voice of the leader is their lead. One of the rules of the game is that the members should not let go their groupmates, they should always hold their groupmates. By giving directions of the leader on where they should pick or extend their other arm or hands at the sand, they can get fake money. The group will get the highest value of fake money will be the one to move on the next station or challenge.
This team building was memorable because there are unexpected friendships that was formed. I was so very happy to experience this kind of activity in our school, it was really fun and other participants was very friendly also. The facilitator on that team building was the SSG of the CTU-Main campus, I am so very thankful to them also because they are all so approachable.
These are my groupmates, there are various stations with different games that we did really enjoy during the team building. I was so happy also because my groupmates are very approachable, friendly, and very cheerful. Some of the games was so very hard but despite of all struggles we did finish all stations or games because my groupmates will always say that "we got this!" "We will definitely finish all the stations or games!", because of their fighting spirit I was encourage and they boost my self-esteem also.
I did really enjoy this team building, I did also learn that being a leader is not a talent, but it is a skill that you can learn through experience. In order you to become a good leader, you should be also a good listener to other people because we have different perspectives and opinions. By gathering all of the ideas or thoughts of your members or to other people, your team would create or build a good decision or outcome for your team.
All of the participants did really enjoy this team building, for me this is the best team building that our school ever had. The moments and laughter we shared was memorable, being one of the participants made me realize that through experience can make you understand and learn easily. Especially if other people also want to learn something new, by helping each other could make your knowledge broader of the things that you have been wanting to know.
Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you will support me on my next blog. Again, thank you very much and may God bless us all! See you!
