Marquesa de Limón [Esp-Eng]
Fotografías de la autora. Editada con los recursos propios de Canva. Junio, 2022
Photographs by the author. Edited with Canva's own resources. June, 2022
Hello my dear Hivers, I am back here with a recipe for a special sweet. Perhaps many who love cooking have already made it, for me it is the first time I make this recipe and I will tell you the step by step that I followed.
I always say that cooking is an an art each one gives his personal touch in the development and implementation of the recipe.
Ideal for any occasion to be celebrated. I really liked the result.
1era Parte
*1 cajita de leche condensada de 395 gramos
*Paquete y medio de galletas María)estas son pequeñas)
*El jugo de varios limones(puede ser 1/2 taza de limón o unpoco más de acuerdo a su gusto)
*1 cucharada de vainilla
Part 1
*1 small box of condensed milk (395 grams)
*Packet and a half of Maria cookies (these are small)
*The juice of several lemons (it can be 1/2 cup of lemon or a little more according to your taste) *1 tablespoon of vanilla

The next step is to add the condensed milk, lemon juice and vanilla.

Once the mixture is ready, proceed to moisten the cookies in milk (they should not be too wet); then place a layer of cookies, a layer of mixture, and so on until the mixture and the cookies reach the top.

Once the mixture with the cookies is assembled, it is taken to the freezer for 10 minutes, then it is taken down to the refrigerator.

2da parte
Para el merengue
*3 huevos (solo la clara)
Por cada clara de huevo una taza de azúcar
Part 2
For the meringue
*3 eggs (whites only)
For each egg white one cup of sugar

With a hand mixer, beat the egg whites until stiff, then slowly add the sugar.

When the meringue is it in a piping it step by step as little clouds to decorate...once the meringue is ready you can decorate it with grated lemon or crushed cookies (in this case crushed cookies were used).

Fotografías propiedad de la autora. Celular ZTE Blade A5 2020
Photographs property of the author. ZTE Blade A5 2020 cell phone
