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DEPRESSION: My Wonderful Experience!


menawhisky35.984 months ago4 min read

Depression has taken a lot from us lately than it has done over the years. It has done more harm than Good to our Society and many have Lost close relatives to the cold hands of death due to Depression.


And Yes I've been a Victim of Depression on Several occasions and most days this isn't what's funny. When it comes it looks as if you're not useful in this word and not relevant a bit. And it all feels as if you're wasting your time Living.

To me With My Experience so far I could Say depression is a Mood disorder or better put Lost in Deep Thoughts that cause either persistent feelings of Sadness, Hopelessness and Loss of Interest in activities at all... Depression can even go as far as affecting how you taste. To tell you how deep this thing called depression is and most days you feel not willing to sleep because how can the body rest when the mind is not settled and is busy overanalyzing lots of things.

Depression sets the tone for lots of illnesses because now there's no proper diet that would enable you to stay healthy and you know what hunger can do to a straying mind. Hunger can affect you deeply that you think the only thing that matters most is just to take your life. Not to talk of being without food and Still deeply lost in thought. You could see how far this thing called Depression can go.

My depression wasn't because I wasn't having enough money, my depression wasn't because I could I was Hungry and tired of Life My depression was I couldn't find myself so useful in the place where I found myself and how I could go so unnoticed meanwhile my special ability isn't made useful there. Little wonder this was a course I studied for years and now I'm presently present with those that who didn't have a clue of what I studied being the ones to teach me on what I already know. This could be depressing knowing fully well that they know you and the course you studied but feel threatened by your Presence. At some point I had thought of leaving but I felt that it would be a loss on my part if I had allowed them to Win. Because that was the essence of their Behaviour. They wanted me leaving since they were uncomfortable with my Presence but then I felt this to the bone but what could I have done.

Most of the greatest reasons for depression are as a result of unmet needs. Humans have needs that we look forward to having but then these needs when they don't fall in our expectations we tend to fall backwards having feelings of Inadequacy and Low Self-esteem. And when one begins by looking down on himself what he has done was to Conquer Himself and when this happens He has lost the battle.

During those periods my production went from high to Low, I couldn't see anything important to me anymore. My thoughts weren't straight anymore, within a moment of having a conversation with someone I could be lost in my thoughts while in the process and conversations started getting tiring even the most interesting one. This journey wasn't a good one honestly.

The funniest part of it all is that explaining cases of depression to people seems useless sometimes because people who listens to you would wonder is that why you are Depressed. And yes they all see it as something of littier matters. Just because they've not been in your Shoe perhaps.

For me speaking with people about Depression should be from knowing if such person understands what it means to be depressed and knows how well to attend to your needs because what's the point explaining to someone when they can't help.

Although some would say when you begin opening up to people about your problems you free yourself from over thinking and I totally agree with it. Well Seek for Help when needed and know when to draw the line in speaking with people because not everyone really care about your problems.

Here's Me today free from Depression and Consistently fighting Over thinking each and everyday...


All images used are mine.


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