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How do you produce electricity? Come to know ⚡️


medaymane20.194 years agoPeakD3 min read

 The process of producing electric energy is, in fact, a process of transforming energy from one form to another according to the energy sources available in the centers of demand for electric energy and according to the quantities required for this energy, which determines the types of generation stations as well as the types of consumption, types of fuel and its sources all affect the determination of the type The station, its equipment and power.

Today I’ll talk about polluted roads and next time he talks about renewable energies:

1-Steam generation stations:
Steam power plants are considered an energy converter.
  These stations use different types of fuel depending on the available types, such as coal, liquid petroleum, natural or industrial gas.
Steam stations are characterized by their large size and cheapness in relation to their huge potentials, as well as the possibility of using them to desalinate salt water, which makes them dual-production, especially in countries where fresh water resources are scarce.
Steam power plants depend on the use of the available fuel and burning it in special furnaces to convert the chemical energy in the fuel into thermal energy in the flame resulting from the combustion process, then use the thermal energy to heat the water in special boilers (BOILERS) and convert it into steam at a certain temperature and pressure, then shed This steam is based on turbines or steam turbines designed for this purpose, so the rapid steam rotates the axis of the turbine and thus the thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy on the axis of these turbines. The axis of the generator is directly connected with the axis of the steam turbine, so the axis of the generator (AL TERNATOR) rotates at the same speed and by exploiting the special magnetic rotating (ROTOR) of the generator and the stator part (STATOR) of it, the necessary electrical energy is generated on both ends of the stator part of the generator. And the representative drawing is a number that shows the sequence of energy conversion from the first burning of fuel until the production of electrical energy.

2 - Internal Combustion Power Plants: (Internal Combustion Engines)

   Internal combustion power plants are machines that use liquid fuel (fuel oil), as they burn inside combustion chambers after mixing them with air in certain proportions. Intention role as in the case of gas turbines.
Diesel Power Station

Diesel machines are used to generate electricity in many places in the Gulf countries, especially in small towns and villages. It is characterized by its speed of operation and speed of stopping, but it needs a relatively high amount of fuel, and therefore the cost of the energy produced from it depends on the price of fuel. On the other hand, there are no units with large capacities. (3 MW only). These generators are easy to install and are often used in emergency situations or during the period of peak pregnancy. And in this case a large number of these usually work
Parallel generators to meet the needs of consumption centers.

Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Schematic-of-a-diesel-power-plant-39_fig2_282804308
Gas Turbine generation

Gas turbine power plants are relatively young, and the Middle East is one of the countries that use them the most. They have different capacities and sizes from 1 MW to 250 MW.
It is usually used during the peak of pregnancy in countries where there are steam or hydro power plants, noting that the period of start-up and stopping ranges between two and ten minutes.


source: https://www.google.com/search?q=Gas+Turbine+generation&sxsrf=ALeKk00ytXzsgQxsvlML1FqM29nXc2zAUQ:1598109230021&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPvt7njK_rAhXNhOAKHViOCjQQ_AUoAXoECBgQAw#imgrc=NWZxkS5WHuZ1RM


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