Remaining time and my activities...
Hey friends in this community. when I read a post from @galenkp 1 hour ago, I don't know why my heart was beating to follow it with a very memorable topic for me personally with the topic I chose which is what would I do if you were told you have twelve months more to live'. And I will give the answer to all of you based on my personal version.
This world is a stopover, meaning it is just a rest area where we rest and how we respond to the rest time given to us. Haven't all of us living creatures in this world clearly been sentenced to death by GOD? What should we really fear. The difference is that if we are sentenced to death by GOD, we don't know when our time will end and in what way we will die, but if we are sentenced to death by a doctor or related law that requires us to have a predetermined age, isn't that right? In fact, it makes it easier for us to carry out the agenda we want with the limited time we have so that we can ignore unimportant agendas first.
And if I had been told that I only had 1 year left, the first thing I would have done was of course draw closer to GOD, even though that answer is very cliche for people who believe in GOD, of course. The second is that I want my life to be useful for people in my environment, not too broad in scope, but enough to make my life meaningful by joining existing social communities and creating a positive aura around me that my life is not alone, a lot whose life is sadder than mine, I am surrounded by a family who loves me, good friends and a good support system. Do you know why I want to be a teacher? Because in my religion I teach useful knowledge which, taught to many people, will later help us in the afterlife. And I agree with that. And many things we can do? However, the follow-up question is can we accept the verdict that has been given?
If this were my true story, I wouldn't necessarily be able to write something like this, but because I am a religious person who believes in the existence of GOD, at least until now I am still stocking up on my supplies so that when I face the Creator there is a treasure that I will offer. My God.
That is all and thank you
