What is the multiverse and how many types are there? - Part I
The word universe comes from the Latin "universum" which means "set of all things", that is why it is so difficult to fit this of the multiverse but, according to some scientific currents, it's true there are.
A Multiverse would be a something where all the universes that we could imagine would coexist and also simultaneously and without having knowledge of each other.
And not only do they affirm that there are, but they have even been able to define up to 9 types of parallel universes that could finally make up this multiverse:
1- Mosaic Multiverse
If we assume that the universe is infinite, which seems quite probable, it is easy to think that beyond the horizon of our universe there may be other regions of space similar to ours.
Also, since the number of particles in our universe and their possible combinations are finite, that means that somewhere hidden in that infinite multiverse there has to be an exact copy of this universe and all of its content, including you and me.
In order to fit this, imagine a very long street in which there are 10,000 cinemas, but we only have 900 films, so inevitably in several theaters they will be screening the same film.
2-Inflationary Multiverse
One of the theories of the beginning of the universe is the inflationary theory proposed by Alan Guth in 1981 and still to be proven, according to which immediately after the Big Bang, the universe had a brutal expansion in an infinitesimal fraction of a second.
Roughly something like going from the size of a pea to the size of a galaxy in 1x10E-36 seconds, that is, a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a millionth of a second.
If we are able to digest this, it will be easy for us to imagine that, if indeed this universe has emerged from nothing, it is very likely that other universes have formed by the same system or even that they continue to be created indefinitely.
It would be something like a huge beer mug where each bubble would be a universe similar to ours which, by the way, would also imply the existence of universes exactly like this in content and continent including you and me.
3- Brana Multiverse
According to string theory, all the particles in the universe would be made up of small fragments of strings vibrating in 9 dimensions, depending on how this string vibrates, one or the other particle will form.
Extending the study on this theory, the M theory arises according to which the multiverse would be formed by "branes" of different dimensions called D-branes, floating in an 11-dimensional universe.
According to this, our universe would be a 3-dimensional brane coexisting with another bunch of 3-dimensional brane universes similar to ours, which, once again, would imply the existence of universes exactly like this in content and continent including you and me.
To be continued...
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