
Santa’s Secret as a Child


mathewdaddywah195.252 months ago4 min read

Hi Hive Naija Good day is nice to be back here and am really glad i will be writing on the prompts which is what you believed in no longer believe in ?


Hmmm at first I thought hard regarding this and am trying to remember cause when seeing this post it brought me to something which I believe then in those days when we were growing up as a kid we watch a lot of movies cartoons and we as a kid we usually experienced this in cartoon Santa Bringing Christmas Gifts to the children when they were sleeping most of you would have watched that as a child.

During those days i really believe it was real i myself am going to experience such to the extent whenever it Christmas time i am usually excited Santa is real i will do the same thing they do in the cartoons and hang my sock at the doorway put my secret message of what i want for Christmas early and hoping to be granted on the 25th of December during that 25th i will sleep off and wake up next day hoping gift would be loaded in it not until i woke up that 26th and saw nothing believe it or not i tried these for good 5 (five) years as a Kid.

It was really stupid i usually have the hope Santas is going to come and bring gift to the children of the world I stopped having that imagination after 5 years at first i thought Maybe nigeria is Cursed that why Santa never even think of reaching here once or i am just in a fantasy world where i keep believing Santa is all a delusion.

The most annoying part is people then keep making fun of me with my stupid imagination of thinking Santa is real and which is not i was being ashamed of thinking it even existed at first my neighbors usually use me to laugh whenever i put such thing at the doorway and keep making fun of me now my eyes is open i was bitterly stupid for believing such thing as a kid.

Then my believe was so strong that at least once in my life time i am going to see Santa fly through the sky with the deer he always riding on flying on at that and he is coming to deliver me Christmas gift that what i thought at first my dear is all a foolish fantasy and a imagination that could never happened in a million years to come.

That reminds me i forgot to mentioned my letters were never being taken it was my neighbor children taking those letter and make me laughing stock they will go through the letter and read it and how i came to know about it is i came home one day i was hearing my neighbor children talking about how foolish i am keeping letter inside a socks i thought it was even Santas coming to take my letter meanwhile it was my neighbor children the thing nearly cause a bloodbath we fight when i heard of these am been deceive by then or is my stupidity that making me think such thing ever existed.

In my conclusion there are things which we strongly believe in but such thoughts we should based a research on it before taking it as a belief to avoid some trauma set back.

Thank you for taking you time to read my post i hope you come back to read more @mathewdaddywah blog


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