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How to Write App Description: Simple Yet Effective Tips


manojrupareliya0.075 years agoSteemit5 min read

Mobile applications have become an essential part of our daily life. According to research, there are a total of 2.7 Billion smartphone users in the world. The research has also proved that an average smartphone user spends 90% of his/her time on apps.This has encouraged businesses to own their business dedicated mobile applications that also perform marketing of their services.

According to a report by Statista, Google Play has over 2.7 Million applications on it and Apple App Store contains 1.96 Million apps on it. Therefore, getting your mobile application spotted among this huge competition in the market is not easy. However, there always are ways to perform the best of you and ensure your app earns its place on your target audiences’ phones. One of these ways is the app descriptions you write for the application being uploaded.

App Description: The Butter to Your Bread

App descriptions posted on the app store describes the users why they should download your application. Basically, app description is all about convincing the user by letting them know what you exclusively provide and include to provide them more than what others are offering them. Therefore, it sings the praises of your mobile application. In order to ensure the user downloads your application, you must focus on creating content that can attract and convince more users to download your application. Here are a few notes to remember that can help you craft such content that brings you a huge number of downloads and lets your mobile app earn a place in potential audiences' phones.

How to Create Attractive App Description: Timesaving and Result Providing Notes

Let's go through some very simple but effective tips that help you create excellent content for your app to be launched on the app stores.

Application Name

Don't ever say "what's in a Name?" when naming your application as an application not named for the purpose it completes gets ranked elsewhere. In order to be visible among your users when they search for the purpose your app wishes to complete, Google looks for the app name and displays the results. If your app name is not matching the purpose at all, there are chances it might waste the golden chance of being seen by your potential users. For example, TripAdvisor is displayed when users search for travel apps. It's obvious! Isn't it?

Tip Number 1: Your app name should match the purpose it completes.

Simplicity is the Best Policy

Well, the title speaks for itself. So should your app name! But the next important thing that must not be missed is the simplicity of the app description. Writing an app description for your application is not easier but it should seem easy and as simple as it can be. Do not use jargon, cliche words for which users might have to go and search the dictionary to understand them. The app description should be written with keeping the user limitations in mind as no user will go and search for the heavy or cliche word you have used, they will simply move on to the next application.

Tip Number 2: Keep the app description simple and to-the-point.

Describe Features

The ideal length of your app description can be of three paragraphs. Therefore, you are supposed to include the list of features your application offers. However, the features and functions included must be the ones that are extremely crucial and hold the utmost importance. Let your users explore some by themselves. For example, if you are aiming to
Create an app like uber, the primary features of it would be the live-tracking of the ride and ETA. There is no need to define other common features that every application contains. Remember to write down and describe the most essential features that help your app create its own stand in the market.

Tip Number 3: Include exclusive and most essential features in the app description.

What's New?

What's new is an essential part of the Google Play Store app description where you get to include what new features and functionalities you have included in your application. It generally includes a technical description that contains the app version info, bug fixes information and such details. However, it holds significance as the existing users of your app check out this information to know what more you are providing. Therefore, never forget to sharpen and brighten the description you write in What's New to keep them informed about app details.

Tip Number 4: Shape up "What's New?" section to include every necessary detail without needing much technical brief.

Summing Up

In essence, plan out your app description well to ensure it doesn't leave your user in confusion and also can convince them to download the application right away. The primary aspect influencing your app downloads is the usability it provides. Hence, ensure your application works well on every device and provides results it claims.

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