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Micaela's chameleon / El camaleón de Micaela


mamaemigrante2.9 K2 years ago10 min read


Ante Hamersmit en Unsplash

This post is both in English and Spanish, you can go directly to español by clicking HERE


Micaela's curiosity since she was a little girl had led her to discover so many things! She was fearless and defiant, and you could say she wasn't afraid of anything except cockroaches and toads.

At the age of 8, she lived by rummaging through the laws that her father, a lawyer by profession, always had at hand on a table somewhere in the house. When Roberto, her father, was looking for some article to complete a pleading, she would run to read it with him, even though she understood absolutely nothing, but at least it was useful for her to practice reading.


 Mikhail Pavstyuk en Unsplash

If they asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, she would be breathless among so many professions, ranging from teacher to doctor, she would even be the Miss who would represent the country in some international event. Life gave her everything, and at such a young age, if she started early, of course she would have plenty of time to achieve all her goals.

Her mother was always trying to call her back to "earth", but her father gave her more wings and paved the way to let her fly in her thoughts. Guided by him, she wrote her first short story. In fact, she took her manuscript to work, and when she returned in the afternoon, it was transcribed on the computer and with a few photocopies, in case she wanted to share it with someone outside the family.


Enrico Mantegazza en Unsplash

By Micaela's time, she had published her first book. Although being a writer was not on the list of things she wanted to be, she had enjoyed the experience, and it helped her to understand that, with a clear purpose, everything would lead you to achieve what you longed for. Roberto saw with satisfaction that the teaching he wanted to achieve in his little Micaela had been understood.

Micaela was born for the show. At school she volunteered to participate in every school event that was organized. She loved to dance, and contemporary dance was something she quietly enjoyed. She could also spend hours watching urban dance choreography. The synchronization of their movements was for her something indescribably wonderful.


Obi - @pixel6propix en Unsplash

The same was true of singing. Her high-pitched voice easily matched any pitch for singing. And although at home, every time she was encouraged to do so, she was told to shut up, she chose to do it while taking a bath, so no one could go and tell her to go somewhere else with her music.

So when her school decided to form a choir, the first in line was her, who saw an outlet for her desire to be a singer. But her mother refused to take her to rehearsals. She was not really interested in her children doing any extracurricular activities, simply because she was too lazy to take them, since the schools had private transportation that took care of that, and that's how, when she was only nine years old, she learned to ride the buses on her own. No one was going to take that golden opportunity away from her!

Although it seemed strange, for his young age, he enjoyed going to a museum or to the theater. The whole world of the arts filled the emptiness she felt cooped up at home after school. Maybe that's why she accepted without question any invitation to go out, even if it was to places that the other children might find boring.

As the years went by, Micaela had to decide on a career to enter university. Gone were the laws she reviewed with her father, and she decided on something, which although it was never on her list, combined many of the things she had always wanted to be.


Becca Tapert en Unsplash

On the path that would lead her to graduate as a publicist, she managed to concatenate all her professional ambitions. Although in that world, she would probably find replicas of her mother and brother, with their accusing fingers and their unhealthy criticisms, Micaela managed to fall in love more and more every day.

Graduated with honors, for her high academic performance, the doors in the jobs she opted for, opened with certain ease. In addition to the recommendations of her teachers, who were proud to have had her as an apprentice.

But Micaela felt incomplete. Although creativity was her thing, something was missing. There was a flame inside her that was crying out to be fanned somehow.

One day, in the middle of a work schedule, the model who would do the commercial was missing. Everything was ready, and missing the planned work was not acceptable. Micaela offered to fill in for the missing model, and with the client's support, they continued with the planning.


Vanilla Bear Films en Unsplash

It could not have been better. The client more than satisfied asked her to be the image of his brand, given the freshness in her performance, and having a new advertising face, it seemed the most appropriate. Micaela accepted without much thought. During the filming, she felt like a fish in water. It was just what she needed in her life, which she was not able to understand.

Her ambitions as a child were not in vain. Being a chameleon capable of adapting to any circumstance had paid off. Now she could sing, dance, act and even be a "Miss", to the surprise of her mother and brother, who had always taken it as the inventions of a misguided child.




La curiosidad de Micaela desde pequeña, la había llevado a descubrir tantas cosas! Era intrépida y desafiante, y podría decirse que no le tenía miedo a nada, salvo a las cucarachas y los sapos.

A los 8 años, vivía hurgando las leyes que su papá, abogado de profesión, siempre tenía a mano en alguna mesa de la casa. Cuando Roberto, su padre, buscaba algún artículo para completar un alegato, ella corría para leerlo con él, aunque no entendía absolutamente nada, pero por lo menos le servía para practicar la lectura.


 Mikhail Pavstyuk en Unsplash

Si le preguntaban qué quería ser al crecer, ella se quedaba sin aliento entre tantas profesiones, que iban desde maestra hasta médico, inclusive sería la Miss que representaría al país en algún evento internacional. La vida le daba para todo, y es que con tan corta edad, si empezaba temprano, por supuesto que tendría tiempo de sobra para alcanzar todas sus metas.

Su madre siempre buscaba hacerle un llamado a “tierra”, pero su papá le daba más alas y le allanaba el espacio para dejarla volar en sus pensamientos. Guiada por él, escribió su primer cuento. De hecho, se llevó su manuscrito al trabajo, y al regresar en la tarde, estaba transcrito a computadora y con unas cuantas fotocopias, por si lo quería compartir con alguien que no fuera de la familia.


Enrico Mantegazza en Unsplash

Para Micaela, ya había publicado su primer libro. Aunque ser escritora no estaba en la lista de cosas que quería ser, la experiencia le había gustado, y le sirvió para entender que, con tener un propósito claro, todo te iba guiando a conseguir lo que anhelabas. Roberto veía con satisfacción que la enseñanza que quería lograr en su pequeña Micaela, había sido comprendida.

Micaela había nacido para el show. En la escuela se ofrecía de voluntaria para participar en cuanto acto escolar se organizaba. Le encantaba bailar, y la danza contemporánea era algo que silenciosamente disfrutaba. También podía pasar horas viendo coreografías de danza urbana. La sincronización de sus movimientos, era para ella algo indescriptiblemente maravilloso.


Obi - @pixel6propix en Unsplash

Lo mismo pasaba con el canto. Su aguda voz se acoplaba fácilmente a cualquier tono para cantar. Y aunque en casa, cada vez que se animaba a hacerlo, la mandaban a callar, optó por hacerlo mientras se bañaba, así nadie podría ir a decirle que se fuera a otro lugar con su música.

Por eso, cuando en su escuela decidieron armar una coral, la primera en la fila fue ella, quien vio así una salida a su deseo de ser cantante. Pero mamá se negaba a llevarla a los ensayos. Realmente no le interesaba que sus hijos hicieran alguna actividad extracurricular, por la simple pereza de tener que llevarlos, ya que para las escuelas tenían un transporte privado que se encargaba de eso, y fue así como con apenas nueve años, aprendió a andar en autobuses por su cuenta. Nadie le iba a quitar esa oportunidad de oro!

Aunque pareciera extraño, por su corta edad, disfrutaba de ir a un museo, o al teatro. Todo ese mundo de las artes le llenaba los vacíos que sentía encerrada en casa luego de la escuela. Quizás por eso aceptaba sin chistar, cualquier invitación a salir, así fuera para lugares que los otros niños pudieran encontrar aburridos.

Conforme pasaron los años, ya Micaela debía decidirse por una carrera para ingresar a la universidad. Atrás quedaron las leyes que revisaba con su padre, y se decidió por algo, que aunque nunca estuvo en su lista, combinaba muchas de las cosas que siempre había querido ser.


Becca Tapert en Unsplash

En la vía que la llevaría a graduarse como publicista, logró concatenar todas sus ambiciones profesionales. Aunque en ese mundillo, probablemente encontraría réplicas de su madre y hermano, con sus dedos acusadores y sus críticas malsanas, a Micaela la logró enamorar cada día más.

Graduada con honores, por su alto desempeño académico, las puertas en los trabajos a los que optaba, se abrían con cierta facilidad. Además de las recomendaciones de quienes fueran sus profesores, que sentían orgullo de haberla tenido como aprendiz.

Pero Micaela se sentía incompleta. Si bien la creatividad era lo suyo, algo faltaba. Había una llama en su interior que clamaba por avivarse de algún modo.

Un día, en medio de una pauta de trabajo, faltó la modelo que haría el comercial. Ya estaba todo listo, y perder el trabajo planificado no era aceptable. Micaela, se ofreció para suplir a la faltante, y con el apoyo del cliente, continuaron con la planificación.


Vanilla Bear Films en Unsplash

Mejor no habría podido quedar. El cliente más que satisfecho le pidió que fuera la imagen de su marca, dada la frescura en su desenvolvimiento, y el tener una nueva cara publicitaria, le parecía lo más adecuado. Micaela aceptó sin pensarlo mucho. Durante la grabación, se sintió como pez en el agua. Era justo lo que le hacía falta en su vida, que no era capaz de comprender.

Sus ambiciones de pequeña, no fueron en vano. El ser un camaleón capaz de adaptarse a cualquier circunstancia, había dado sus frutos. Ahora podría cantar, bailar, actuar y hasta ser una "Miss", para sorpresa de su madre y hermano, que siempre lo habían tomado como inventos de una niña desubicada.

Este relato es mi participación en el #retodecreaciondecontenido propuesto por @lunaticanto en este post


Fotografías por/Photografy by: Ante-Hamersmit, Mikhail-Pavstyuk, Entico Mantegazza, Obi-@pixel6propix, Becca-Tapert, Vanilla-Bear. (All from unsplash)
Separador by: cortesy of @valeriavalentina
Edición/Edition by: @mamaemigrante
Traducido por/ translate with: www.deepl.com/translator (free version)


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