My Motherhood Journey- How I Became a Mother of Two
Hi! Its my first time writing here in this community. I Joined hive 2 days ago and was told that there's a community for Motherhood.
A mother of two...
I am a mother of two beautiful girls with different personalities. My first born, Mavi(5)is a very sweet, sympathetic and kind girl while my second, Nova (2) doesn't care much about anything.
I am an only child and have no experience with kids, but what can we do? Mavi was our biggest surprise. She was the one who made us (me and my husband) tie the knot.
Our First Born
October 2,2018, afternoon, We went to the hospital since I was in pain already. I have a 1 cm opening already according to the E.R. doctor who checked me but since there was no room in the ward, they led me to the Labor room. I was on week 42 already and the Doctor said that I might be operated on since it's almost due but only with a small opening. We prayed and hoped that it won't be the case.
Since the hospital was packed, the hospital had no choice but to let 2 patients in one bed. It was fine with me since I cannot concentrate staying in bed. I stand and squat and move around to ease the pain.
At 2 in the morning, I was told that there's a vacancy in the ward and I transferred immediately. They again checked on my opening but still in 1 cm. I was monitored at least every 2 hours and at last, I was again moved to the labor room.
The pain was so unbearable but the nurses said I should not shout. I just screamed in my head. And let tears fell. I cried silently as I bit my lips to stop me from shouting. But I knew that in the end, It will all be worth it.
It was 2:30 in the afternoon when Mavi came out weighing 3.5 kgs. The Nurses told me that I must stay in the labor room for another hour to make sure that Mavi can suck milk but to our surprise, after they placed her into my tummy, she peed and opened her mouth prompting me to give her my breast. And there, we wen back to the ward without an hour.
Why add another one?
Being an only child is lonely. I don't have someone to run to whenever I am sad or scolded. I have trouble expressing my self since and when my parents are already old, I don't have someone to help me in taking care of them (though they tell me that they have saved up for that but of course it is different when it is their children taking care of them). With these , I told myself not to let my child feel the same. I want many kids...
This is why after 3 years, we have Nova, our sweet little Nova(Her nick name) who then came during the pandemic.
Our 2nd cutie
It was still pandemic when I got pregnant with my 2nd child. Do you remember the time where they started requiring people to get vaccinated? During the early part of the vaccination, we were told that pregnant women should not be vaccinated. We were planning to have a baby by then since we want a 3-year gap. So before getting the vaccine, I went to the lab for Pregnancy test and YES! I WAS POSITIVE! This is why I wasn't vaccinated that time.
Being pregnant during the pandemic was hard. There are many risk and restrictions but thanks God my baby and I stayed safe.
We rented a small room for me not to travel to and fro (since my travel time is almost 1 hour 30 mins. everyday). It was just a walking distance from the hospital where I was working. On November 11,2021, We rushed to the hospital because of labor pains.
Since it was still pandemic, my husband was not allowed to come inside the hospital. I labored alone and man, it was so hard. The pain from the labor and the pain from bot having someone to comfort you sucks. But then again, I have to be strong.
On November 12,2021, our 2.5kg. baby came out and we named her after her 2 grandmas (Norda and Veronica)-Norda Ronica. She was so little unlike her sister that weighed 3.5 kg. at birth.
We stayed at the hospital for another day to make sure that her labs are okay. It may be hard but we survived. we went home after that 24 hours and I again embraces another chapter of being a mother. - The mother of TWO.
It was a great journey. It's worth telling and keeping in my memory box. I would never ever regret having my kids.I love them dearly and I will always will.
We praise and thank God for the gift of life he gave us. We will continue to thrive to be a better parent and provider to them.
This is all. Thank you so much for your time! God bless!