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My Coffee Madeleine !!


majo77189.203 years agoHive.Blog3 min read
Hello friends of Cinnamon Cup Coffee, I return to this coffee space to bring you a delicious recipe that although I assume there are many in the world, this one I made by trying several ways starting from the original straight Madeleines. So I made coffee and chocolate Madeleines for that rich afternoon coffee or tea.

For those who do not know the Madeleines are a typical dessert of French pastry, which is described as a cake that is eaten as a cookie, has a cake texture but are like sweet pastry and can be made in many flavors. I prepare them in traditional flavors like vanilla and almond.


In this occasion, thinking of innovating in my nascent baking project, I combined the classic flavors with a flavor I love such as coffee. For this preparation I added the ingredients of the madeleines such as flour, butter, sugar, and eggs, and mixed them with strong and liquid black coffee without sugar, and a little chocolate powder to enhance the flavor, I tell you as a fact that our beloved coffee powder enhances the flavor of food when it is mixed in the preparations, especially in the sweet ones and more when it is mixed with chocolate.


The recipe goes like this

1 and ½ of leavening flour
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup butter
¼ cup liquid coffee
1 teaspoon chocolate
1 egg

1.-Mix the dry ingredients in a container and set them aside.

2.- in another container cream the butter with the sugar until well blended (with a mixer)

 3.-add the eggs and mix them well with the butter and sugar until there are no lumps.

4.-add the coffee and integrate them.

5.-mix the dry ingredients with the liquids stirring with a spatula and put it in the refrigerator for 20 min.

6.-then add flour to a Madeleines mold and pour the mixture, which should be firmer than liquid, and bake in the oven at 170 degrees C for about 15 minutes until the edges are golden brown.


Now you have some delicious coffee madeleines to enjoy with more coffee for your afternoon dessert or with tea if you want to vary the flavor. I assure you that the strong flavor of coffee gives a plus to this traditional sweet I recommend it. Here are my photos.



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