Baldur鈥檚 Gate 3 - Most Difficult Mission So Far | Mac's Gaming
As you're crossing the bridge, you will meet Jaheira again. She and the harpers are going to help you through fighting the absolute on the first hall. This is the scene when Nightsong is on the sky trying to kill and go for Ketheric Thorn.
Do not forget to loot around and find anything that could be of use like bombs and smoke bombs. They are really useful during fights as you can throw them around and do quite damages on the enemy.
After marching inside the moonrise tower, you will trigger a conversation that goes like this. I honestly would suggest to directly attack because that would put you into a better placing for the rest of the team. I have tried the possible three and whenever I talk way too much, I was put at a disadvantage, so that being said, attack directly!
There are a few steps to actually win this and it's something that I used.
- Use any of your character to throw bombs/anything that can do damage to the enemy.
- Make sure to have Gale/Wyll to create wall of fire
- Use Spirit Spell for Shadowheart and ranged attack when necessary
- Have Karlach or character that has high HP like Lae'zel
- Keep Jaheira alive and heal her when truly necessary
When you keep her alive, she is able to be recruited and explore the next place with you. So, make sure to keep her alive. As she is an AI sometimes she makes dumb move that endanger her and everyone around. Keep an eye and make necessary adjustment.
The reason why I said about throwing bombs or any of that thing is because you would do damage while the enemy isn't really making moves. You could save the HP because the journey is still pretty darn long and the fight is long too.
聽As you reached the main hall,you'll trigger a lvl up but don't do that until every of the enemy dies otherwise, all the party member would get killed and that will put you into more tricky situation. That being said, make sure the red color changed into yellow again that marks there's no enemy around. Then, proceed with level up as the enemy behind this door are also higher in HP and level too.
As you can see below, this is what I managed to capture, Shadowheart leveling up and she's well armored and equipped compared to the first time we started out the journey. She also has some really good spells and it's pretty nice to see.
So far, I have unlocked a few more places and more stories but whenever I am making this type of documentation and guide, I typically rely on my autosave and started the game all over again. Anyway, I might have to delete all of my autosave since they are a lot. At the moment, I am trying to fight the elder brain thingy, so that should be fun!
See you next week with Baldur's Gate 3 content.
- From the Risen Road to Unexpected Scenes Baldur's Gate 3 | Mac's gaming
- Baldur鈥檚 Gate 3 - Finding Cure Mission |Mac's gaming
- Baldur鈥檚 Gate 3 - Shadow-Cursed Lands Adventure | Mac's gaming
- Baldur鈥檚 Gate 3 - Most Annoying Mission So Far | Mac's Gaming
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