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Statistically one occurrence doesn't equal a trend, but when it occurs three times.... what then?

1 comment

lozzmon202.825 years agoSteemit3 min read


Vaccines causing autism is slightly incorrect which is what media plays on by passing it off as conspiratorial nonsense.

What they do, the poisonous ones, because its not All vaccines, just the certain ones they give us peasants.

What they do is weaken the barriers in the brain to make a whole bunch of problems like autism more likely to occur.

Some kids'll be more susceptible than others.

With this couple, they fucked up all three of their kids.

And what's gonna come from this?

Oh its just conspiracy talk.

This stuff that we are told we are crazy to think.. is literally being forced on kids by social and government pressure by propaganda.. and look how it fucks them up.

But the parents are told, have have no legal recourse, that They are responsible, they signed a release.

This happens... and yet.. to even QUESTION vaccinations in society they take it as reason to think YOU are crazy.. YOU are the insane ones... for not wanting your kids injected with shit that 50/50 make fuck up your kids.

And then media is pro autism, that predator movie recently had the gall to suggest that autism was the next stage of human evolution.

Nah.. its elite people, deliberately fucking up your kids, because then the won't be a threat.
Meanwhile medical companies get away with all of it, supported by media.

Yet people are gonna act like im socially irresponsible being highly suspicious of anything any asshole doctor or nurse wants to stick into my child near birth.

Then oh look, lil visit from Child Services.. make sure IM not abusing my child. Maybe even try steal my child... Because I had the gall to try protect my child from poisonous uncaring assholes like them.

Put my kid into some place I don't know and sell them on the black market.

I hate so much, how they make you think YOU are the crazy one for trying to question.

And I hate people who are so blind they'll accept any suggestion from anyone in a place of authority.. Not understanding how that mentality is what leads to horrific dystopian nightmares.

But don't worry... Autism, is natural, its good, its acceptable. its brave.. and its more common now than ever because its the next stage of human devolution.

I mean, evolution.

Because the ruling elite of this world are so invested in evolving us to make us better.

That wouldn't hurt them at all.



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