Don't detest the missed opportunity
A missed opportunity is not always as bad as the bad rep it's come to have. Closed doors are not as unfriendly as they sometimes look. It sure can be scary and feel final when something is slammed in your face, especially something you really want, and who knows, probably worked so hard to get. The downcast look, fallen shoulders and dashed hopes are not postures and expressions anyone rushes to model. Yet, they happen.
I feel there are many alterations that lead to new outcomes. Just like books where you decide what ending you want by following a particular trail and page, a missed opportunity can birth resourcefulness. A missed opportunity here is a loose term, due to the association I've made with the slammed door, which depicts an opportunity withdrawn even when you were actively on the hunt for it.
It can birth a new creative drive. "Okay, that failed, so what next for me?", "For you?". "What's the alternative?" Where's the happy ending in all this? We've all heard stories of people who found themselves forced into doing something they'd never thought they could do only because that was their only option. And in a good way, it turned out to be an explosive thing. Think a little about yourself or someone else you know who found themselves doing something else. You could even think about how the current situation with the covid lockdown birthed new businesses and millionaires because they found themselves living with new terms and conditions.
Sometimes, a promotion isn't all it seems. I've heard people say that more work is usually the reward for doing the work well in the first place. It's funny how such a situation with little compensation or wrong quality type of compensation(in terms of less time for yourself and non work activities that give your life joy and meaning) can make you regret being ambitious in the first place.
A missed opportunity or slammed door could prevent you from making the wrong decisions. It could save you from failing at something you're not equipped to handle at a particular stage of your life. It makes you ask the question "So why not me?" and "Why not now?". What do you have to learn to be right for the next opportunity and more importantly, what opportunities do you currently have to shine in. Take them and succeed.
Thanks for stopping by :)
