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Foxes Crossing My Path: Symbolic Meaning?

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littlepiggies569.809 months ago3 min read


I've known there are fox sightings in our resort beach town because I've occasionally seen them. Over the last 4-5 years I've lived here, I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen a fox roaming around Ocean City. But lately, things have been different, and it makes me question synchronicity versus coincidence.

A few weeks ago, we saw a fox scampering around the parking lot of a closed water park when it was still light outside. My first thought to this occurrence was rabies.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, on Saturday night, I awoke to a strange barking noise. It was 2:00 a.m. and I wondered to myself who is walking their dog at this hour? And what is wrong with their dog? The noise sounded very close. I looked outside, and there was a fox right in the front yard, taking a break from it's barking. It stayed in the yard, scratching itself, for about a minute. It was as though something in my yard had attracted it. Then it trotted off into the night. There was something hazy and dream-like about the occurrence, as I was half-asleep, but then I saw I had recorded it on my phone the next day.

(Anyone else notice how numbers on the tarot cards are 2 and 7, and this photo was taken at 2:07 a.m.? 🤔)

Yesterday, I started reflecting on this animal sighting more, since we saw another fox trotting across an alley on the way home from picking up my daughter from school. I thought why do I keep seeing foxes? Then I remembered there can be symbolism associated with a specific animal often crossing your path. Of course, I felt the need to research this concept.

Foxes are known as a spiritual animal in many cultures and can have a variety of interpretations. Some are positive and some are negative. A common association with the fox with cunning, clever, deceit, and curiosity. Over Thanksgiving weekend, I felt like a fool about a personal matter where I'd given someone the benefit of the doubt. Could the fox in my yard that Saturday night have been some type of omen to my realization?

Fox statues, a.k.a. Inari, placed in front of Japanese shrines are said to bring a protective function. They're also said to be a deity and have God-like powers in Japanese folklore. Back in the day, they protected the rice crops by chasing away rats. On the other hand, other cultures and spiritual guides view the fox as manipulative, deceitful, sneaky, and greedy. The fox can be viewed from many different angles. I decided to ask the tarot cards last night, but I won't delve into all of those details.

Is there an animal you've been seeing a lot lately? What do you think it means? Let me know in the comments ⬇️

Fox statues guarding the tori gates at Fushimi Inari in my book, Little Piggies Go To Kyoto.


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