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Taking Control Of My Bad Addictions || EcoTrain QOTW


lightpen956.162 years agoPeakD4 min read

Hallo! Hiveians, I'm pretty new here, and having gone through the EcoTrain community I found here very interesting and have decides to make my first entry post. Nice meeting you and I hope I'm welcomed😊

What Are My Addictions?

Addiction can come in so many ways. Its mostly not intentional. Whatever you do for a period of time repeatedly is liable to becoming an addiction. There are some actions that give you some sense of fulfilment when carried out. Not all of them result in tangible reward for doing them. However, in one way or the other, there is an underlying factor responsible for such actions. It all works with the brain. If your brain feels fulfilled when you eat some types of foods, best rest assured that it's very easy to become addicted to such food. It may be a physical exercise like jugging that communicates a soothing signal to your brain. Whatever it is can
become an addiction. The effects of these addictions will tell if each can be categorized as good or bad. A beneficial addiction to your health, work and interpersonal relationships is a good one otherwise, it is bad. I have been addicted to some habits/activities.

Social media addiction


It started about 12 years ago when I sign in to Facebook and shortly later 2go. These are platforms meant for diverse activities. From connecting with family and friend to engaging people for business purposes. In my own case, the purpose of my presence on the platforms was not really defined. I just like reading about the happenings in my country and across the world. I was sent out from lecture halls for staying on these Apps during classes. Even when trying to read my courses, I reluctantly go online and remain on these Apps for as long as I could stay awake - the next thing is sleeping. It was a war managing it till I graduated from school. Addictions to these platforms could be good but in my own case, it was/is otherwise. It infringe into my other activities. Right now, getting out of the wood is still a work in progress. As a newbie in Hive community, and also defining my purpose of being here, this wonderful community may be the sure way of helping getting out of the bad addiction. Spending my time productively on Hive will always worth the energy.

Nescafe (caffeine) addiction


There is this other habit of mine in which I take nescafe tea to stay awake when the need arises. As explained above, having spent my time on social media instead of reading, I now found a,way to infringe into my sleeping hours to get the job done when examination is knocking. Till this moment, I derive pleasure in taking Nescafe without minding the effects such as insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, nausea and so on. My brain functions better when I take the tea. I am currently reducing the intake in order to cut the ties between it and my brain. One thing I come to understand is that, leaving an addiction is a process that takes some time. In fact, with a deliberate effort.

Addiction of bathing with warm water and sleeping under blanket.


I stayed in the coldest part of Nigeria, Jos for nine years. Throughout this period, I took my bath with warm water and sleep under blanket to cushion the effects of the cold temperature. However, anytime I travel to hotter regions of the country, I find it hard to bath with water at room temperature even if the weather is above 40°C. I would still go for warm water. My brother would be wondering the level of addiction. The same thing with sleeping with co9vering myself with cloth. No matter the heat, I can't sleep without covering myself despite that the hot weather intermittently wakes me up from sleep. I'd liked to get rid of this so as to fit in to any weather like I used to before moving to Jos.
Thank You For Visiting My Blog🙏 See You Around.


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