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Ensuring our home is baby-proof and trying Baby-led weaning.


lhes4.2 K4 days agoPeakD3 min read


As my little one grew up and hit different milestones, I couldn't help but feel happy and emotional. I could still remember how soft and small he was the moment I held him in my arms.


Now, he is nine months old, full of energy, and starting to get naughty. Indeed, he is, those tiny hands that show no mercy when pulling my hair, pinching my arms, or everywhere. He always wanted to stay outside as he was curious about everything. It could be the cat, dogs, cars, or even a passerby.

The face as he was sulking. He wanted to go out, but I hadn't had even a cup of coffee yet!

He roamed around the house now that I needed to close the doors, or else he would go inside the room and create a mess. He could also go outside to the porch, which is dangerous as he might fall.

The other day, I saw him pulling the wifi chord, so I taped it on the wall. Next was he was already pulling the fridge chord 🤣😆.

Caleb's safety

Oldies say no child grows up without getting hurt, yet who would like to see their child in that situation?

And I made sure that our house was babyproof.

Switch cover


Thank you, shoppee! Now, I just took the cover when I was using it.
Then return it after.

Table corner cover


I haven't installed it yet, but maybe in the following few days. He isn't that tall yet, anyway 😆. However, I would find him sometimes under the table.

Gate fence


This has been on my mind as he will be walking soon, perhaps three months from now. To date, he can already stand alone at his crib while holding onto the rails.


In the following days, he might start to see himself standing alone. We all know how sneaky toddlers can be, so Mama planned ahead.


Yesterday, I hired a neighbor to install a fence at the porch and at the other door, which led to leads in the Chechen and guest comfort rooms.

It was a great help today, as he was entertained walking back and forth while I was having my breakfast—coffee and pancakes.

Feeding time, trying baby-led weaning.

He was eating solid foods, and now that he had three teeth, it seemed he preferred to chew rather than puree. Marse @cindee08 suggested I try BLW previously, but I wasn't ready. However, as I observe Caleb, why not try?


First attempt: Egg and banana.* He was so happy grabbing the food and feeling its texture that he threw it on the floor. It was indeed messy, and I wanted to change my mind.

Three days, and still, he doesn't attempt to bring the food in his mouth but, he eats more. I was feeding him while he was feeling the food.


This is earlier, pasta with yogurt and I may add carrots next time. He's loving it 😆. Cindee, how long is this mess? 🤣


Lead image was edited using Canva
Photos are mine
Footer credit to Sensiblecast.


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