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Price Index - A New Approach To Digital Economy

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leophile64.092 months ago4 min read

Money is a big factor and this is a realization when so many things are not fulfilled and lack of #budget is what's taking place in a personal matter.

The stories are many where even small businesses grew up, found a good shape and met a lot of financial needs.

In the past few posts quite some days ago, I talked about how crypto can be an option to choose to get the cashes one needs. Even those of are who like to grow their money and try to make a deal of investments, no such easy things are there present then the tokens which hold a rigid value.

I have looked to some smart and dynamic business models that have come out as entrepreneural initiatives which resulted in bringing the deepest creativity into growing money one has in common. We can still adjust to the system and function and let it reach the level we want - by dint of applying some elegant moves.
 https://img.inleo.io/DQmScBcGXa1fF1TsPFFmeRSZ3LEmULbet8EbnpXzZfK9NqP/stock-exchange-data_23-2148591513.jpg Src

I would like to propose here a new policy, that is the case of price indexing. Its not just lucrative an approach for the conventional currencies, but also the tokens which are potentially volatile and can assume different price in a time being.

For a business, price is an important thing - simply if we put it this way that when one buys a pen at low wholesale cost he not only buys a packet or collection of it, but also the quantity that is multiplying the revenue earned as profit.

If a person buys a single pen with the retail, thats when he adds to profit a seller is adding on. It continues on and until the time when all the pens are sold, having the profit which held the way of future purchase ability at a bigger limit.

The scenario is more complex for #volatile currencies, because if it can sustain and if times added, for example for a period of 10 months and the index of the price is made and with projected growth of the token expanded, enabling one to get a level of profit -loss only due to normal time flowing.

The question then comes whether we can do whats best or find a way out to solve the issues thats coming out each day in the matter of finances. #Digital finances would definitely be more complex and to be able to get there economically we can switch on to the practical formats of what price index can bring.

From a virtual standpoint of the whole picture that is presented globally and the number of people holding key #business identity, the NGO's and private companies are already started to grab #crypto tokens worth examples of $Billion and to go deeper into their visions we might find something interesting after all.
 https://img.inleo.io/DQmaR117Ln2kR1eCzNAcrvey7n7xRaX4815eYnJw8s79FTt/graphic-concept-with-items-arrangement_23-2148950371.jpg Src
The key tendency is to look for #economic analysis and a keen prediction of what may come out of a uncertain future. The challenges are many and the tactics to meet them must be different.

It all comes down to one factor of #holding, just like the famous foundations of the world, their national stock market capture and how revenues be gathered through adopting tokenism and already ready to built- infrastructure of data sciences.

Some of the days ago I wrote about how a personal possession of a fund and operants of it can be thought as company profile. Although a few of the people had dissent on the matter, but the truth is - it is a unique way of slotting out the mechanism of building a solid, constructive approaches of capitalism.

Do you see anything relevant to the thoughts provoking to your mind ?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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