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Crypto Backed Business || Stable Payments Through Tokenization

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leophile104.139 months ago3 min read

Human operate out of experience and knowledge and without these two, nothing is done in this world. We know something and we do the thing later.

Its a common feature for #economy, where we all are concerned here doing everything to add up, store or increase #profit out of so many vital operations going on through the active or passive financial #transactions - the numbers are variably diverse as of stage and level of business mechanisms.

Quite few days ago, I talked about how economy is changing and so as #business habits time to time. Now that, with the scope of open fields of internet assisting gadgets are on, opportunities are many in the free #market and so as people to lash on to increase business level.

About a days time when I learnt about the #crypto to enter into a new chapter of alternative #currency, its more of futuristic vision that I learnt along with it.

In #decentralized blog, the way we add value to the system by contributing as to add #data, transact financial variables and participate to diverse ways - we get to a certain amount of return when they pay back using #tokens or funding currencies to many tradable forms.

The good thing is, the #payment system is working on - into a new chapter and fortunately to a degree which favours people and with open ending advantages.

What about if the corporate sector in the world pays its employees 80% of their salary with virtual crypto #tokens ?

That might create a simple operation and switch into something new, but lay a giant step to the potentiality of tokenization moving on to a next generation.

Looking back at the time when the birth of the $BTC came forth, it was just a #token that time not worth than a single dollar as for its potentiality in the initial period.

But quite luckily we got to a new standards and Satoshi Nakamoto's vision was cleat enough to be the prime Bitcoin and title the whole of cryptocurrency we see now.

Who knew that time like this !!

But now trades are happening in most of the economic activities and each time a #transaction is made and crypto laying a new approach to wealth creation. #Stablecoin has changed the whole dimension quite a few years ago.

Now, recently some of the world's successful companies started to make their #brands popular and the choice was through establishing a quick fix to digitization and automation.

It changed the financial shares and #stock orders in many positions. If 5% of the share of a company which was in the conventional currency goes into crypto possession and as since #risks were many, so as other back-ups to cover dips and calculation was on.

When they come out successful by relying on the crypto, its the good news that bring forth future potential of the #economic system updating on.

If a company is formed and the payment system is made with the crypto tokens, thats a good news for all who are cherishing to see their economic #cycle takes a new fate.

Lets be brave and try something new again .

These hopes can yield to a good look and promising start or prospect at the future, if that sustains forth.

All the best to you guys for reading. If you have a word on the matter, do let me know about it in the comment section.

Stay blessed until next time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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