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My Little One's First Halloween


laviesm130.423 years agoPeakD5 min read


I hope it’s not yet too late to post Halloween-related posts. Life has been very busy lately so I can only post this now. I will share in another post what has been keeping me away from Hive. In the meantime, I will be sharing with you our happiest day last October: my daughter’s first Trick or Treat.

After weeks of deliberation, our HOA decided to conduct a Trick or Treat last October 31 despite the pandemic. Of course, social distancing was practiced and we were sanitizing our hands most of the time. That aside, the kids and parents alike had so much fun. The HOA conducted a contest for best in costume among children and best in house decoration among homeowners. We entered our daughter in the costume contest and we registered our house in the decoration contest. We didn’t win in any but the HOA granted us a consolation prize for our effort in both. Well, yes, the Monica in me is so excited for next year.

For this year, since my husband and I are big fans of Squid Game and my daughter can not yet wear uncomfortable costumes, we decided to wear Squid Game costumes. My husband dressed up as a square-faced guard, I wore a player’s outfit, and my daughter was dressed as the doll in squid game. During the contest, we carried our little girl to serve as her props. Here’s our photo:


As for our house decor, the contest indicated that we should use recycled items and the theme should be Jack ‘O Lantern. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to take a good photo of our house since we were busy roaming around for the treats. This was my best photo of our house decor:


Sadly, this photo was unable to capture all the decorations. I was just so busy so all day it slipped my mind to take photos. If I did have the time, I would have also made a video tutorial of our house decor since I was proud that 90% of the materials used were recycled or reused items. Including the glue, tissue, tape, and puncher, we only spent 300 pesos. I woke up at 4 am for two days to finish those decorations. Sadly, I did not win. Next year, I will prepare longer and better decorations. Fighting!

I know, I look terrible in both photos. I don’t think I got to brush my hair that day, such is the plight of a toddler’s mom and those arts and crafts are a lot of work. We did not have household help for more than a week at that time and relatives had been out of town for All Souls Day. Aside from that, my little one did not nap all day so she was cranky when it’s time to get dressed. Anyway, all her tantrums went away when she saw dressed-up kids in costumes bringing lots of candies.

My almost two-year old has been looking forward to Trick or Treat. Cocomelon and other kid’s shows on Youtube have been hyping Halloween and Trick or Treat since early October. My little sweet tooth has been awaiting all the ghosts and candy. She knew that the neighbors would be giving her candies in her pumpkin bag. It’s a little too early but my little one loves ice cream and lollipops. Those two are part of her still limited vocabulary. Here’s a photo of her rummaging through her treats:

She was able to get a one-week worth of supply of lollipops, gummies and other treats. She even got an ice cream-shaped meringue which made her all sorts of happy. So why didn’t we have this when I was a kid. My little one is a lucky girl since she got to experience a Trick or Treat.

Aside from the treats, she had so much fun looking at the costumes of other children. She saw a kid dressed as Elsa, a werewolf, Maleficent, a witch, a whitelady with a ripped tummy, a tiyanak, a unicorn, a fairy and so many more (sadly, I don’t have photos). It was the first time I saw so many kids since the pandemic. Because her favorite cartoons have been featuring ghosts, witches and zombies, she’s no longer scared of them. The neighbors told me they were surprised she’s not afraid to take pictures with older kids dressed up in scary costumes.

Aside from me and my daughter, my husband @marcusen had fun too. He dressed up as a guard in Squid Game. Because of that, everyone wanted to take photos with him. He was even featured in our HOA Facebook group when they were thanking one of the event’s sponsors. (See photo below). Weird as hell. But I know he was smiling behind his mask. Finally, he knows how celebrities feel.


All in all, we were all happy last Halloween. All the effort was worth it. Next year, I’d be sure to look for a helper and I’d be asking my sister to help days before the event so I can look better in photos. Lol. I just don’t want to be too tired and I hope I can have the time to take good photos and videos next year.

Aside from that, I’ll be dressing my little one with something scarier and hopefully, next year, she could already walk with her friends. Her peers right now are still too little and their moms are still scared of social contact.

That’s all! Goodbye Halloween and Hello Christmas!


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