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Card Highlights #32: Ferexian Hero


kpgamingch759.253 months agoPeakD8 min read




Card Highlights #32: Ferexian Hero

Great heroes need great sorrows and burdens, or half their greatness goes unnoticed. It is all part of the fairy tale.
by Schmendrick the Magician from The "Last Unicorn" by Peter S. Beagle.

If you're a Fire Element player looking for a strong and versatile unit to add to your deck, look no further than the Ferexian Hero, a soulbound legendary unit with Reach and Weapons Training. This unit packs a punch while also being flexible enough to play in a variety of positions.

In my latest blog post, I'll be sharing some tips on how to use the Ferexian Hero effectively and why he's one of my favorite units to play with. So, if you want to take your Fire Element game to the next level, don't miss out and have Ferexian Hero in your builds right now.




Vadiax Flamehorn, the redhair minotaur, was born in the slave pens of the Ferexian Empire. He never knew his mother. She died giving birth to him, and his father passed away not long after during a deadly scuffle with the slavers' guards.
Vadiax grew up among the gladiatorial warriors that once practiced the old arena sports. When he wasn't laboring in the quarries or working the fields, he learned all he could from the old fighters. It soon became clear that he was a natural warrior, and he quickly mastered the various weapons that his fellows instructed him on, weapons left over from their gladiatorial days that they kept hidden from the slave masters. And as Vadiax grew, his body became tempered from the daily labors and he became obsessed with dreams of escape.

For full lore of this card, visit this website:



Buy and Rental Costs

This card is soulbound.

It is unable to be transferred, rented/delegated, burned, bought or sold until the cards go out of print. It is tied to the account that has earned it through gameplay/chests. Gladiator cards are also Soulbound.





Card Stats

Ferexian Hero is one of the strongest card for Fire Element. Not only he has Reach which you can use to place him behind the front line and still attack, he also has Weapons Training enriching your choices for your main tanks. In this blog, I will tell you a few ways you can use Ferexian Hero and why he is one of my favorite units to use for Fire Element.


Card Effects

Weapons Training
Adjacent Units gain half this Unit's attack if they have no attacks themselves

Since a level 1 Ferexian Hero has 3 attack, any unit given the Weapons Training immediately gets the maximum amount they can get as the damage which is 3. Since Ferexian Hero is a melee unit, the Weapons Training will also be melee in nature giving your units without atttacks melee damage to be used as a tank in front of him.

Melee attack Units with the Reach ability may attack from the second position on the team

With this ability, you can surely add someone in front and back of this unit to maximize the Weapons Training. Take note that without the proper abilities or rule sets, the unit behind him in 3rd position will not be able to attack given that he will also get melee attack.

Reflection Shield
This Unit is immune to all indirect, or reflected damage. That means that it will not take damage from Blast, Thorns, Return Fire, or Magic Reflect

Reflection Shield fits perfectly with Ferexian Hero because the best place to put a unit with this ability is behind your main tank. Remember, this ability does not protects you from attacks but the damage taken from some abilities. Placing him at the front means that your enemy will still damage the unit next to him when they have the Blast ability.











Strengths & Weaknesses

At max level, Ferexian Hero gains a whopping 5 melee damage. This is a really high number and unless your enemies have Forcefield, they would need to treat Ferexian Hero with the utter respect he deserves.

One weakness is that even if Ferexian Hero gains damage, since the Weapons Training maximum attack is 3, they would only get 3 melee attack. This, of course, doesn't include the increased damage they may get from Inspire or summoner abilities.



When To Use

Equal Opportunity
All Units have the Opportunity ability.

Since Weapons Training only gives melee attack, you would need some rule sets that would allow your melee units to attack if they have no abilities to do so. Equal Opportunity gives your units the Opportunity ability allowing your melee units to attack from any position like what I did in this battle.

The initial Health of all Units is equal to that of the Units on either team with the highest base Health.

Weapons Training are good in Equalizer rule sets because it gives your team a huge damage boost. Instead of using a unit with 1 attack, you can pop off something like Chaos Agent for only 1 mana beside Ferexian Hero and gain 3 melee attacks instead.

Healed Out
All healing abilities are removed from Units and Summoners.

Yes, this rule set normally is a disadvantage for everyone but remember that you are using Fire Elements which lack any form of heals in the first place. Fire, based on my observation, focuses on increasing your monster's stats instead of heals to survive. This makes Fire elements a really good choice in general when Healed Out Rule Set is in play.



When Not To Use

Up Close & Personal
Only Units with Melee attack may be used in battles.

Even though Ferexian Hero is a melee unit and you can freely use him in this rule set, take note that only melee units can be used. This means that units without any attack are unusable making your Weapons Training ineffective in this rule set.

Back to Basics
Units lose all abilities.

Not only your Ferexian Hero loses the Weapons Training that gives other units the capability to attack, he also loses Reach which forces you to put him in the front if you want to use him or else you will not be able to attack at all.

Briar Patch
All units receive the Thorns ability at the start of the battle. Enemy units that use melee attacks receive damage back.

Since Ferexian Hero gives melee attacks to other units, they would also be in a dire problem when all your enemies have Thorns. Basically, your units take damage when your melee units attack making this a very unfavorable fight for you.



Battle Sample


Even though I was initially at a disadvantage with my enemy using a unit with Thorns as their tank, I am still glad that they used another unit with less health that he used as the main tank. With Equal Opportunity, all of my units gain Opportunity attacks which prioritizes lower health units first. This allowed my team to destroy Chimney Wallstop first reducing my enemy's damage by half.



Final Thoughts

Thanks for checking out my latest blog post on the Ferexian Hero in Splinterlands.

Remember, this Fire Element unit is a versatile powerhouse that's not to be underestimated. With Reach and Weapons Training, he can dish out damage while still remaining safe enough to play in a lot of positions. At max level he gets to an impressive 5 melee damage - but keep in mind that Weapons Training only allows for a maximum attack of 3.

With Inspire or summoner abilities like Tarsa's, the Ferexian Hero can become even deadlier and so is his minions with Weapons Training. So, give him a try in your next Fire Element build and see if he's the one you're looking for in order to get that league and rating you're always aiming for.



If you have suggested combos or questions, feel free to comment it down below.

If you are planning to play and is inspired by my post, please consider using my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=kpgamingch

I do not own any of the photos in this post. All credits goes to:
 - Splinterlands
 - Peakmonsters
 - Canva
 - Giphy



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