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LCD helps curation rewards. TCL library created to retrieve api.hive.blog values


klevn53.033 years agoHive.Blog3 min read

Having created this project has helped my bottom line. According to my estimates I have gone from having an eHP (estimated earned curation rewards) of 2.0 or so to 2.89 (this number reflects 7 possible days into the future vote earnings) .. in just the last few days by monitoring and voting only when I have over 90% .

line 1: displays some temperature sensors I have.
line 2: voting Power% Time until voting Power Full !Notifications
line 3: estimated HivePower earned for vote curations and base Hive Price

when this was taken it was 90.10% full. and that translates into 11 hours and 52 minutes. I currently have 1 notification, as shown by the !1.

this helps remind me when my vote is most valuable.

I have learned all hive power and voting power, how they are calculated. is nice to have a firmer grasp upon how this whole thing is put together. I am looking forward to learning more about other aspects.

every 30 seconds I have it switch to another similiar display, but


The difference is the second line now displays the time my voting Power will be full and the 3rd line now has my HP/HBD reward waiting to be collected.

inside what started out as an lcd display app, has turned into a TCL library of sorts for dealing with the api.hive.blog

the estimated HP is a deceptively small number for all the work it required. much of that work was self-imposed to reduce network traffic (for everyone ;) .. by maintaining a small database of the list_votes that I find and recording how much, and when the cashout_time is.. and a timestamp. right now I think it is set to update this field every 3-6 hours.

much thanks to @yokunjon for providing pseudo code that works for calculating curation rewards

notifications was fun in its simplicity to set it up. I had a bit of trouble not over complicating it. thankfully I came back later and found the errors and made it as simple as possible.

in all my code I strive to make it as readable as possible, often sacrificing some performance by having longer names to get things done. But I find this the most efficient means of getting things done over the long term. Now I can pick up my code after many months and jump right in and begin to get some things done because understanding the code is relatively easy. hopefully.

that is the ideal .

thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed.


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