Are Heated Vests Practical for Backpacking? Testing Two Options.
TIDEWE Heated Jacket for Men with Battery Pack (Black, Camo, Size S-XXXL)
By: Papa Steve On The Move
In this video, the YouTuber tests out two heated vests - the Aurora Lightweight Heated Vest and the Milwaukee M12 Heated Axis Vest - to determine if they are practical for backpacking. Both vests have multiple heat settings and battery pockets. The Aurora vest has the battery pack on the inside and is more accessible, while the Milwaukee vest has a larger and longer-lasting battery pack on the exterior. The YouTuber found that the Aurora vest was warmer and more comfortable to wear with a backpack, while the Milwaukee vest had a bulky battery pack that was difficult to maneuver. Overall, the YouTuber suggests that heated vests may not be the best option for backpacking and recommends bringing extra layers instead.
#HeatedVests #Backpacking #AuroraVest #MilwaukeeVest #Practicality
