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Mass indoctrination day 1 held on zoom 11/09/2023

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kingly0148.66last year3 min read


I learnt that there are many false prophets who have gone out into the world deceiving people.
We are told to make sure we try out the spirit of who ever comes to us so that we will know wether he is of GOD or not.
I learnt that our manner of life should be worthy of the gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Our faith comes through the hearing of the words of GOD so we should always strive to hear the words of GOD.
I learnt that no man should be forced to accept our teachings because it is a thing of choice not force.
I learnt that we are no more in the mosaic era or the time of moses but now we are in the christian dispensation
We have been commanded to hear CHRIST because he is the beloved son of GOD.
We must strive to listen and study the doctrines of CHRIST. In the early Christian communities or days,they only recognized JESUS as the one and only true master and we must listen to his teachings.
I learnt that budhha is not the authorized teacher appointed by GOD to teach us because budhha will teach us what is wrong.

I learnt that most people are teaching for doctrines the commandments of men,some even would go ad far as practicing man made doctrine.
We should make sure we practice religion as rigid as possible because there is a great deal of madness in this recent era and we must do a proper investigation or scrutiny to make sure we are in the right place where the teachings of the doctrines of JESUS CHRIST is done genuinely.
I learnt that if we do what JESUS CHRIST instructs us to do,he will be with us forever .
We must do according to what CHRIST instructed us to do by making disciples of all nations through baptizing and then teaching of the doctrines of JESUS CHRIST afterwards.
I learnt that we are to only accept the doctrines of CHRIST only and the doctrines of CHRIST are written in the Bible and nothing else should we accept.
We have the right to reject what is not of the doctrines of JESUS CHRIST.
We should not accept what is not written in the Bible at all.
I learnt that the first doctrine of CHRIST is baptism.
I learnt that apostle paul made havoc of the church of GOD when he was in the jews religion but along the line GOD called paul and the first thing he was told to do was to get baptized and get his sins washed away in the process calling on the name of GOD.
Through the will of GOD paul became a member of the church of GOD.


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