I'm Going To Start Growing Some Veg
It has been a fair few years before I have grown anything. The last thing I grew was some baby carrots and baby potatoes which were really nice, but over the last few years I kind of fell out of doing it.
I was in the shop earlier, and I saw a deal of 6 packs of seeds for €5, which was kind of too good to pass up.
My Pear Seeds
I germinated a few seeds a few weeks ago, and it was kind of spur of the moment. As I finished my pear I saw a couple seeds and decided why not see if they sprout.
One did, and one didn't/ hasn't - as of two days ago. Considering the other on sprouted, I'm assuming the one that didn't was just a dud.
Anyway, since I know I'll need pots and soil for the pear, I figured I may as well make the most of it and try my hand at a few other things.
The Veg
I love cherry tomatoes, especially on a good salad sandwich, and in fairness, I prefer them over the normal tomatoes.
Onion, Lettuce, tomato, carrot, broccoli and sweetcorn kind of compliment each other and can each be used in a few different meals together, or individually.
Sweetcorn I think will be the hardest one of the lot to grow. I'm going to start them all off in the greenhouse, but the sweetcorn will have no choice but to be moved to a small plot outdoors. I do have a place for them where I could have one row of them (potentially two rows) the only problem might be attracting aliens. I'd hate to wake up to find messages written in my crops.
All of the other plants should be handy enough, and some can be grown in the greenhouse. If I was to rate what I think will be another hard one to grow, I'd have to say that carrots can be pretty difficult, mainly due to the space they require.
Regardless of the difficulty though, it should be a really fun summer hobby, and something great for Kaleb to do and get involved with.
