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The Rules

1 comment

kiaazad43.585 years agoSteemit3 min read

Facing all of the different choices in our daily life, often we wish for a simple list that gives us an overview, pros and cons, all of the items we have missed and everything we need to know in an easy to digest format before making a decision on that topic, and often such a list doesn't really exist.
Here we will try to generate and maintain those missing lists that people are looking for, and First thing first, I should list the rules!

  1. List only what you are passionate about.
    Don't create lists for votes, Create list from what you want to and wish to share with others.
  2. List only what you know about.
    Create lists from your expertise or personal experience.
  3. List what people can't find elsewhere.
    Only create a list if there is nowhere else people can find a similar list. Don't list something that people can find on IMDB with few clicks.
  4. Keep it short and to the point.
    Don't add paragraphs of text to each item in your list if there's a high chance the reader would skip over it. give your reader the most amount of information in the smallest format.
  5. Make sure your list is exhaustive.
    Find all items that belong to your list and add them, an "All scams avoid traveling Europe." better include every one of them.
  6. Link to every source you know.
    Give your readers more to read if they want to, by adding links everywhere.
  7. Maintain your lists.
    You are responsible for all of the lists you create, if something changes you need to update your list, even if years have passed since you've wrote it. You abandon your lists and we'll abandon you.
  8. Search for similar lists before posting.
    And if you found one, don't post yours.
  9. Help others correct their list instead of posting a duplicate.
    If a list you want to add already exist but it's not complete or it's incorrect, try helping it's creator correct or complete it before deciding to post your own version. It might be equally rewarding.
  10. Ask in the comments before starting a request list.
    A "request list" is a list you need but can't find anywhere, you'll start the incomplete list and ask everybody to help you complete the list by giving you information in the comments. Such a list needs a [request] in front of it's title till it's completed.
    Hopefully This hive can find lots of worker bees whom see the value in posting with maximum efficiency.
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