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A fairly inspiring Sublime Sunday Experience.


kenechukwu975.5 K2 years ago2 min read

All things considered, I must say that I'm genuinely excited to stitch up a few words and leave my footprints on Sublime Sunday Community after what I consider a fairly inspiring week and a nice day in particular.

You know, there is this age-old argument about the day that marks the start of a new week. Some say a new week starts on Monday while others say it starts on Sundays. Haha. As far as I can tell, I've always considered Sundays as the last day of the week and Mondays fit in well as the beginning of a new week.

That being said, today was a Sublime Sunday for me. I woke up quite early as you would expect so I decided to start the day with my online activities. I was able to do a lot of work before finally washing up and dressing up to attend the second mass of the day which usually starts by 9 am.

I got there early enough when the church premises was not yet populated by those that will be attending 9 am Mass. That was a really good opportunity to take the picture attached to this post. Haha.


Today's Mass celebration was amazing. It was also a long one and I started feeling hungry halfway through the Mass celebration. Lolz. I've been feeling hungry lately. I don't know if there is any reason for that. Well, the hunger didn't kill me, but I made sure I branched into a restaurant to get food while walking back home.

The rest of this day has been amazingly spent with multiple calls exchanged with family and friends. I also got to sleep this afternoon although I didn't have it on my agenda to take a siesta today. It just happened and I'm glad about that. Now, I'm filled with a surge of anticipation as I look forward to what this new week has in store for me. Hehe.

Hope y'all had a Sublime Sunday.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma
Image is mine, taken with my phone camera.


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