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If Life Was A Squid Game


katirayo206.223 years agoHive.Blog3 min read

This topic am about to talk about be a little confusing for some people and easy to be understand by others, but the real truth about it is Life It’s Self is a squid game. When i was watching that movie, I was not just watching for watching sake, I was watching to pick out a subject and idea from that event, we all watched it for the fun and horror part forgetting that this same movie was written by someone. And most times people who come up with a movie or rather who writes the movie, it might be it was he or she’s life experience, while i watched that movie squid game there was a great understanding flowing into my head saying life is a squid game.
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This life we are in right now is a squid game because there things that happened in that movie that will actually make you understand me much better in that movie, I discovered Risk, Challenge, Betrayal, Love, Fun, Achievement and Deaths. Now when you look at the world all these are happening, people are putting their life’s at risk just to make the money and when you go back to the movie it happened there, people are facing challenges that happens in our everyday life.
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When it comes to betray it is almost like a normal thing a friend might just betray you because of money or power and this is not me blabbing it is the reality because it has happened to me, Now we all have fun right cool and that is when we have finished earning money we have fun, most of us we got the achievements we prayed for and after all this we die if we play our cards wrong, most people die because of greed most because of carelessness and all this was the event that took place in the squid game.

The person who wrote that movie really deserve some accolades, because that was a magnificent movie, I really learnt a lot from that movie, I learnt never to be greedy, selfish and ignorant. And again what i did notice that also happens in real life is violence and killing that has been in existence since the time of our four fathers.
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Life is a squid game but it is left for isn’t who watched that movie to learn and make a change around us, I am very sure the writer was trying to pass a message which i got and y’all also can get it to stop the violence, killing and betrayals.


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