So much rain 馃導 where is the sun 馃尀 I have more health problems 馃槳
Its done nothing but rain here, Hubby took this week off so we could get the house sorted, the gardens were going to get tidied up and he was going to play a few rounds of golf. The house and garden hasn't been touched as hes been in a mood as he hasn't been able to play any golf. What he has done instead is watch the professionals play Golf on the TV, they are playing in the rain.
My gardens are drowning at the moment, we were supposed to be getting a heatwave then within hours it changed to lots and lots of rain. Thankfully for me the tempreture has dropped too, I'm not over heating as much.
I had a few blood tests last week to hopefully find out why I have Raynauds disease, my toes start to tingle then start to really hurt as they turn white, the pain is really bad. My Dr says that usually Raynauds can come from something else gong on in your body which the blood tests should find out. I've had a look on my medical records to see if the results are back. I have a telephone appointment with her on Tuesday to discuss the results. From what I've seen on my results I could have Type 2 Diabetes. If that's true then looks like I'm going on a strict diet as don't need anymore problems to deal with so will try and reverse this with losing weight and taking more care of myself.
Not sure if you can see the above photo, don't know why it's not loading photos, anyone else having this problem.
Anyway I'll find out what's going on when I chat to the Dr on Tuesday, just hope she is in a good mood as she can be quite bossy when she wants. I'll be doing some research to find the best way to deal with it and start a healthy eating plan. I've neglected myself for far too long. The Dr has given me more medication to help with The Raynauds so hopefully no more pain from that.
Its back to work for hubby tomorrow but don't think he will be there very long as this rain is set for a while yet so when it rains they can't work on the building site so he will be sent home early. He won't be complaining about the rain then.
Fingers crossed the sun comes out soon since it is Summer.
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