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Did The Stars Just Align?


kaerpediem1.9 K2 years agoPeakD2 min read


It has been over 3 weeks since my last post. Let me start from the beginning of these last few crazy weeks.

February 1st, I met up with a few of my ex-radio (some of them are still in it) friends for lunch. By the end of lunch, I was going to join Lite FM as a weekend DJ. I even got to choose part of the playlist, one hour of rock on Saturdays, and a "Tea Dance" playlist for Sundays.

Sounded good. 2 days for Music, 5 days for Hive.

I also had to prepare a presentation for a local crypto exchange. It's for ladies only and so I talked about how non-tech savvy me can still crypto. The idea was to let them know it wasn't such a big scary space. Needless, to say, a big part of it was about Hive. I mean it is what I know. The presentation was last Thursday.

My slides for the presentation

On top of that, 4 weeks ago, I started as a full-time Writer in the Corporate Comms department of a health tech company. Sounds a little crazy and let's just say it has been quite a steep learning curve with terminologies and the nitty-gritty of all things healthcare within the company.

One day I am decluttering, ready to give up the last of my hold on my radio days, my CDs. Unsure of what lay ahead but coming to terms with what is, IS! And being open to whatever the Universe had in store. The next, 2 jobs within a month. Both "finding" me as opposed to me looking for them. Though it is keeping me very busy.

Things are slowly settling down some... I think and oh how I've missed Hive. Here's to me managing time a little better.


images are from my gallery and canva pro
image source
image source Hive coin


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