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Dragon Age: Inquisition — Story Playthrough — Part Twelve


kaelci4.4 K2 years agoPeakD8 min read

A plot to kill the Empress of Orlais had been foiled and Iselia had gained more power for the Inquisition. She had met a couple of nobles at the ball who now worked for her, had obtained more mercenary assets, and indeed had the approval of the Empress herself.

The Empress had sent Morrigan, her Occult Adviser, to help advise the Inquisition and Iselia readily welcomed the witch to her ranks.


Back in Skyhold, Iselia officially welcomed Morrigan to the Inquisition and met her son, Kieran. He was a well-spoken boy who seemed very interested in magic and the mark on her hand.

Morrigan apologised for her son and promised that he wouldn't get underfoot, but Iselia didn't mind. She spoke with Morrigan for some time about her life and about her son. Apparently the woman had been raised in the wilds, a fate that she absolutely would not have for her son; he would be raised in proper society. She also had the pleasure of accompanying the Hero of Ferelden while she defeated the blight ten years ago. It seemed that Iselia was picking up all of the Hero's old friends.


Although they had only just returned from Orlais, there was much business to attend to. A Chantry Mother was at the gates, demanding to take Leliana and Cassandra off the Inquisition's hands. There needed to be a new Divine and the old Divine's Left and Right hands were also needed, indeed, it was possible one of them could become the next Divine.

Iselia understood how important that was, but she could not let such integral members of the Inquisition leave just yet.

There was also the matter of the Grand Duchess. Celene had given her to the Inquisition to judge and decide her fate.


Still exhilarated from her first time playing "the game" and winning so well, Iselia basked in her own glory and declared that the Duchess should be made the Inquisition's court jester. Complete with absolutely terrible, terrible shoes.


With that amusement out of the way, Iselia went and spoke with Leliana and Cassandra, the two who the Chantry would have compete for Divine status.

Both seemed amenable to the idea, but after speaking with them both... Iselia thought that perhaps Leliana would make a better Divine. Leliana wanted drastic change while Cassandra wanted things as they were but with slight tweaks. In Iselia's eyes, an overhaul would be for the best. What they had before just hadn't worked.


Iselia needed to do a few things for her friends, namely take Dorian to Redcliffe so they could ambush whoever was going to capture him and send him home, and go for lunch with some nobleman so Josephine could find out just who was trying to ruin her family further.

After those very quick items were dealt with, they could set off for the Western Approach and see what was going on with the Grey Wardens.

Before all that though, she wanted to check in with Cullen after their busy time at the Winter Palace and to say goodbye since she would be off again soon... only he wasn't in his office; he was with Cassandra, and was very upset. When Iselia walked in, he very quickly walked out, asking her to forgive him.


Cassandra rolled her eyes. Cullen believed himself to be incapable of command due to his decision to stop taking lyrium. He was in the ending throes of the renowned templar lyrium addiction and needed to stay strong. He should prove to other ex-templars that it was possible. He would require the lyrium no longer.

Perhaps Iselia could speak with him and convince him that he was still worthy of the Inquisition and did not deserve to be replaced.


When Iselia walked into Cullen's office, she narrowly missed being hit by thrown objects. Cullen was mortified and apologised, then paced the room.

Finally he told her what had happened to him all those years ago when he had been stationed in the Circle in Ferelden. The Circle had been taken over by abominations, other templars had been slaughtered, the apostates captured him and tortured him, tried to break his mind... and then he had been sent to Kirkwall. He trusted his Knight-Commander but her fear of mages had ended in terrible madness. He wanted nothing more to do with that life. He didn't want to be a templar anymore; he didn't want the lyrium. But he should take it. He would be more capable of helping the Inquisition if he did.

When he stopped ranting, Iselia asked him what he wanted. Not for the Inquisition but for himself. He didn't want to take the lyrium anymore... and so she encouraged him that he did not need it. He would be fine without it. And she still trusted him as their Commander.


That wasn't how she had planned to say goodbye, but she had to help Dorian and Josephine.

First she took Dorian to Redcliffe, where a note they had received several days ago had told them to. They were to meet a retainer in the inn and the retainer would take Dorian to his family for discussions.

The inn was empty when they arrived... and then they discovered why. There was no retainer; only Dorian's father. They argued for a while and Iselia learnt it was because Dorian preferred a man's company to a woman's. All the bad blood between him and his family was for that reason.

She encouraged him to speak to his father, that he would regret not speaking to him one day... and they did.


They returned to Skyhold soon after where Dorian thanked her for coming with him to speak to his father... he considered her a true friend. He hadn't expected to find a friend in the Inquisition, but there it was.


As Iselia left the fortress's grounds to go on her journey with Josephine, she couldn't help but eavesdrop a conversation between Alistair and Morrigan.

Alistair looked over Morrigan's son, Kieran, and said aloud that he thought the boy might look more demonic... or covered in tentacles... or something. But he looked so normal. Morrigan lowered her head and said that he was an ordinary child and not to worry. Alistair then asked if the boy knew of his father? Morrigan said that she had told him that his father was a good man... that Alistair deserved that much. Alistair chuckled and said that she had changed since becoming a mother.

That was very interesting. Alistair was this boy's father? Iselia didn't know what to think about the demonic tentacles the boy was supposed to have, but she supposed it didn't matter. It was none of her business.

She and Josephine had to get to Val Royeaux.


When they arrived, they went to the manor where they were supposed to meet the nobleman who knew of the plot against Josephine.

All seemed normal at first but it was soon evident that this man wasn't what he appeared to be. He spoke of assassins, of the House of Repose, and had very intimate knowledge of the issues Josephine faced.

They soon determined that this man himself was an assassin from the House of Repose and was investigating Josephine, checking out his mark. He admitted that he was, but he was not there to shed blood, only to enlighten Josephine about what had happened — the noble family who had wanted Josephine's ruined had died out long ago, but the contract still stood. She'd have to find a way to null and void the contract.

Normally they wouldn't intervene in their contracts, but hers was a unique case. They felt she deserved the honour of knowing what was happening.


They hastily took their leave from the assassin and returned to Skyhold where they discussed what they would do. The contract against Josephine's family could only be nulled by a member of the family who had placed it to begin with. She would need to negotiate with them.

Leliana offered her the use of her own assassins, but Josephine would have none of it; neither would Iselia, no more blood needed to be shed for this.


Leliana also had some good news for Iselia — her people had made contact with Caelyra, the Hero of Ferelden. She offered what she could from the great distance they shared and had a message for Alistair too.


She quickly checked in on Alistair to make sure he had received the message. He had. Apparently the Hero was onto something that really could help them end the Calling... it was dangerous, of course, and he missed her... but it was nice to hear from her.

Iselia told him they would be heading to the Western Approach next to find the Grey Wardens and work out what they were up to. He said that he would be there when she needed him.

Until next time! 🐲⚔️



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: Dragon Age: Inquisition.


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