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Cyberpunk 2077 ~ a screenshot showcase


kaelci4.7 K2 years agoPeakD3 min read


Once more I find myself enjoying the world of Cyberpunk 2077!

After spending a fair amount of time in it over the past two days, I thought I'd share a few screenshots that I've taken. 🙂 I noticed as I was capturing these images, that I was drawn to the same areas I've already done screenshot showcases in previously so I worked to find new areas and perspectives to take these in-game photos.


That will get a lot easier in a few more in-game hours as I progress to the other regions that I haven't spent quite as much time in.


The last time I played this I didn't really get very far.

My partner was playing at the same time so I kept getting distracted watching him play instead. As a result I didn't finish the story myself but I still experienced it via him and his character.


This time though I would really like to finish the game myself. No distractions!

Well... there'll be a few distractions. He's playing Horizon: Forbidden West at the moment and I'm getting distracted watching that. But when it comes to this game, this time, no distractions. 😅


After watching my partner finish the game, I ended up googling and deliberately discovering spoilers -- I wanted to know all of the possible endings of the game and decided which would be a good one for the character I eventually took to end-game and how to achieve it.


Thus, I shall become the greatest of friends with Johnny Silverhand, and together, at the end, we shall go out together in a blaze of glory.

Apparently the NPCs you befriend along the way get angry at this outcome, but whatever. This is my V's life and she'll live it how she see's fit.


At the moment, in the story, I've gotten up to the bit where Johnny's a fresh newcomer in my brain.

If I remember correctly, this is where I got up to last time. I've kept playing after this bit previously, for heaps of hours too! But didn't really do much of the main story -- was just exploring and doing side missions.


I'll still be doing side missions this time too. 😅 And also experiencing other content, since I want to check out the possible new apartments V can shack up in, plus the romanceable NPC content.


But this time I intend to actually get further along the main story, and -- shock horror! -- actually complete the game.

I have the whole month to do so. After March is April, and in April I'm dedicating myself to fiction writing for the whole month. May Cyberpunk lend me some inspiration, even if the story I'm planning on writing has absolutely nothing to do with a cyberpunk environment or an overly horny society. 😝

Just my V, perving on a random couple. 😆


Until next time! 😄



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: Cyberpunk 2077.


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