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A Day in My Life as OJT Hunter in Cavite and Manila


julliusss47.57last yearPeakD6 min read

After the orientation, we talked about some companies that are hiring for OJT. Karl suggests to us the company where he is working now because there is an IT department here. So, we go to @dennnmarc’s house and created our resume. After that at 6 pm, we went to that company called CXI. CXI is a BPO company started in the year 2021. So, we submitted our resume to Drie because it was Karl’s friend. After that we interviewed one by one which first one was @graxaa then I was the second. I felt nervous because it was my first time to be interviewed. Because Drie was so kind and calm, it made me comfortable and I answered the questions well. Some question I remembered was tell me about yourself, what are your skills (answer them based on your resume), what are your plans after your internship here, and what are your expectations here in the company. Then after that, he explains to me the shift, schedule, and more about the internship. Next to me were my girlfriend, Genina, and Denn.

One of the gates in PEZA or EPZA at Bacao.

The second day of job hunting. I woke up early and work for at 3 a.m. for my uncle’s business. I was always doing this for my allowance. I finished my work early so I decided to go to my girlfriend’s house to pick her up. Our call time was 10 am so we went to our call place immediately.

Unfortunately, our friends Grace and Genina were not there so we decided to wait for them for a while, while waiting we print our resumes to be ready once they arrived. We entered EPZA, which had hundreds of companies to apply.

The company we went to during our second day.

At first, we were not allowed to enter because the guard was looking for a letter from the school that was signed with an attorney but unfortunately, we didn’t have so we went back. We entered another gate and finally, we entered a company. Our target companies were WINTRON and P.IMES. We had no motorcycle because it was parked outside. We decided to walk to our target company. Unfortunately, P.IMES only accepts online. Also, we didn’t find a Wintron company. We went out to this big company and find another company that looking for an internship. We go to Leentech, an IT-based company that focuses on developing web developments. But Leentech move to another place and we didn't know that. We took a break because it was so hot here in the middle of the afternoon. We started to hunt again the recommended company of my friend Paolo.

After submitting our resumes, they tell us that on Monday if there were available slots, they will call us but only one of us can be chosen. Sad. We get back again and take some rest beside the highway.

An afternoon rest besides a building.

It was already 1:30 pm and we didn't take our lunch. I bought some water and energy drink to refreshen my body and to have energy, too. We contacted again our classmates if they have any recommended companies for us. Paolo reply that if we are still available today, we can go to PITX, located at Paranaque. So, we grabbed it even if it was almost 2 hours of drive.

While traveling we spot this relaxing building that I see on social media. But now I can see it personally.

We arrived at PITX at exactly 4 pm, we found the office that can accept internships. We were lucky because they were accepting OJTs. Again, they tell us that they will call us next week which is Monday. So, unfortunately, we need to hunt again next company but it's already 5 pm. We don't have enough time or idea in this place so we decided to go back to Cavite

The OKADA in Manila we passed by.

You know I was lucky and thankful because I had friends like this who would have helped each other without minding who got in. Aside from it, we were always available for each other regardless of the situation. @dennnmarc was part of it but he couldn’t attend the same day because of his errands.

We also passed by Ayala Malls.

Hunting OJT was not easy but enjoyable. Most especially, when we were rushed to find one. We just had a week to find and secure a company and many of us haven’t found one. Or even if we found one, we were not sure if the company will accept us or not. However, it was still enjoyable because I had bonded with my friends and we had talked about our plans after graduation.

Jollibee burger steak and coke floats as our snacks.

When we reached the Cavite boundary, we decided to take it apart because our houses were in separate destinations. We were all tired and wanted to rest our bodies. So, my girlfriend and I were the only ones left together and we found the nearest Jollibee branch to take a snack since it was also raining hard outside.

The email I received from Hazel May, an HR.

After arriving home, I received an email from Hazel May for your information I submit my resume to some online hiring company earlier in the morning. I'm glad that she gave me this link. I chose the second link because I think it would fit me and my course. Thus, I have basic knowledge of databases, too.

I woke up early in the morning because I have to do my work but before that, I’m so happy because Karl told us that we can start our internship at their company which is CXI. We were so glad because our hard work in finding a good company and the right company for us paid off. Even though we experienced sunburn on our skin, it was worth it because we were all accepted. Sheesh! That’s all for today I hope you enjoy reading my blog.


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