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Do you have any goal for this year? Here's mine!


joythefoodie1.079 months ago4 min read


The year is quickly drawing to an end and there's still a lot to be accomplished. Towards the end of last week, I felt prompted to do a little bit of reflection and this post is going to mirror that.

I might not be able to finish writing all the ideas and reflections in my head, but the half I write right now should take me (and you) one step further to a clear life.

On Sunday, I met a lot of sermons in church; from the pastor, to the writer's club and then from a friend. I know that God was using them to communicate something to me, and girl am I grateful for that!

It all just confirmed one thing.

I haven't done a proper self reflection towards the end of the year.

And a question I want to ask myself:

What are the goals you want to achieve before this year ends?

Even as I type this, I feel this strong urge to get my pen and book and start writing. It is a very vital question for me, especially because I chose not to write a New year Resolution this year.

I was tired of writing and not achieving them, so I said to myself

"Why do I even bother?"

You've probably been in my shoes

However this word👇

If you fail to plan then you plan to fail

Keeps ringing the urgency of a plan to me, and here are some things I decided to change.

1. A To-do list

If you're like me and a to-do list becomes scrap paper after writing then we certainly have a lot of work to do. I'm more of a 'do things under pressure' person so I find it hard to follow those timetables. I'm slowly learning that it is a bad habit itself and it will wreck me if I don't change it fast.

So I'm building a To-do list of everything I want to daily. I can't create one based on a specific time because I know myself (things might come up!)

But I feel an accurate picture of what I want to do daily should go a long way
2. A Writing Timetable

Yes, a timetable for writing. I made up my mind some time ago that I was going to hone my writing skills and become better at it. However I can't keep writing about my daily or past experiences. It's like a well, if I keep taking from it, it's going to dry up!

I want to attempt creating a daily list of topics I want to talk about (for like 30 days) With that, I don't run out of articles to post and I learn to do proper research.
3. Reading Timetable

It seems like a lot of timetables right?

They say Readers are Leaders, so how else am I going to write insightful works without reading deep and wide?

I've made up my mind to pick 3 different books and read 5 pages each daily.

It's a small goal, but one I'm willing to attempt and build.

Don't worry, you should be able to tell if I'm still doing this or not, by my future articles.

P.S I'm getting a book to jot for this
4. Validation

A monthly account / Self reflection to validate if I'm actually doing all these things is one I'll be adopting too. I should also call this me being accountable for my decisions.
But enough about me,

What are your goals before the year ends?
P.P.S I wasn't able to fully write down all I wanted to say, so let's take this as the first post. I'll be putting up the 2nd part soon. There's just so much to talk about!
Jesus loves you
God bless


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