Ukraine funding was cut said Mike Johnson, Trump was behind this. The more important thing is transparency, we should have blockchain websites, public databases and/or ways of keeping track of how tax dollars are used because often times trillions of dollars magically go missing; a lot of money is wasted. Vaccines been synthetic since 1992 said Judy Mikovits on Alex Jones meaning shots have caused injuries for decades especially to the brain, forward this to RFK Jr, Elon Musk and Trump; Judy discusses the killer Covid Vaccines which we've been warning people about for years.
528/ On one hand, Loner has a higher role than Alliana partly because he has a blog which is pretty valuable for different reasons; yet at the same time, Alliana does better work in the server than Loner does which probably means I should eventually promote Alliana above Loner. 530/ I disagree with Caddy on this one, I don't want to ban abortion, I just don't want to be forced to excessively fund government who in turn waste their money on too many things including abortions because I want to keep my money because freedom baby.
Finished downloading JoeyArnold7 YouTube videos; videos: getting sick is your body way of saying slow down video, join the Oatmeal Diddy Party if you're tired of being scammed by the Hawk Tuah Meme Coin video; watched: Biden Plans Blanket PARDON FOR FAUCI And Others In Fear Of Trump Admin w/Decoy Voice | Timcast IRL, CobraCast 199 Wednesday, The Madness 103-105, Robert Barnes, Judy Mikovits and Kirk Elliot on Alex Jones, Jimmy Fallon - Hugh Jackman on Reviving Wolverine, the Iconic Yellow Suit and Potential Deadpool & Wolverine Cameos
Robert Barnes, Judy Mikovits and Kirk Elliot on Alex Jones
Oatmeal Daily - 2024-12-05 - Thursday | Published in December of 2024
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In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Discord Drama
2024-12-05 - Thursday - 12:11 AM - Discord Log
528/ On one hand, Loner has a higher role than Alliana partly because he has a blog which is pretty valuable for different reasons; yet at the same time, Alliana does better work in the server than Loner does which probably means I should eventually promote Alliana above Loner. 529/ Loner probably should have a pretty high role but I'm not sure how high exactly; Alliana might be worthy of even higher roles eventually; it partly depends on what kind of choices these two make; I sort of like to test people to see what they are made of. 11:40 AM: 530/ I disagree with Caddy on this one, I don't want to ban abortion, I just don't want to be forced to excessively fund government who in turn waste their money on too many things including abortions because I want to keep my money because freedom baby. 531/ There are good salts (sodium) and bad salts, drinking too much salt can be dangerous regardless of the different types of salt; but our bodies do need some salt but a lot of salt can be a problem too; often times most people have bad salt and not good salt. 532/ Speaking of babies, Oatmeal World was pregnant with almost twenty Oatmeal Parody Accounts especially around 2023 and now all we mostly ever have is this Caddy alt, make the parody accounts great again to better confuse people who are fooled thinking the parodies are me. 533/ Oatmeal World is run by the people, ask the people who run it what they think. 534/ This is what trolls would do especially in 2023 in our Oatmeal World Discord Server, this is how people like Caddy and others made so many fake screenshots to try to destroy me Oatmeal Joey Arnold with the many Oatmeal Parody Accounts over the years by confusing the normies. 535/ Is this a scam built upon a time, was the Hawk Tuah meme coin thingy a scam, is this fucktuah a scam, what in the tuah is happening, type shiiiiii. 536/ Magnus posted this, Oatmeal giving a lillipop to a cat, taste my rainbow. 537/ Trolls love to lie about me. 538/ I'm gonna probably try to reward or promote people who try to get me on Wikipedia, Fandom and other websites assuming other people aren't able to remove those pages. 549/ What state has an abortion ban? Alliana, what are you talking about? Trump didn't do an abortion ban, Trump said each state can decide what they want to do and people can pick which state they want to go to for abortions or adoptions. 550/ Michael Jackson, the man in the mirror. 551/ States don't ban abortions absolutely, some states will allow for abortions for the first few weeks or months while other states will allow abortions even when the baby is eight months, nine months, or even after birth. 552/ I'm the training wheels. 553/ Do you want people to have abortions after birth? 554/ I agree with you, I don't like abortions after birth; I like limited government; I just don't want my tax dollars to fund abortions; I don't want Planned Parenthood to promote abortions; people can try condoms and morning after pills and perhaps wait until marriage for sex. 555/ Some abortions can involve cutting babies into small pieces in order to pull the body parts out of the mothers; however, I prefer trying to get babies out without purposely cutting the babies into small pieces; in some cases, you have to make quick decisions to save the mom. 556/ In some places, the law does not agree in that they allow for post-birth abortions which is the execution of babies who are viable even outside of the womb. 02:23 PM: 557/ All I want for Christmas is for somebody to demote everybody to below the admin role. 06:38 PM: 558/ Unless if you like know somebody in real life for 40 years, you probably should NOT promote them at all because it might be too dangerous. 559/ You should PROBABLY or GENERALLY be at least 20 years old if you want to have the red admin roles or even higher roles in our Oatmeal World Discord Server, that is my recommendation in general apart from rare exceptions and stuff. 560/ The older you are, the higher the role you should PROBABLY get; for example, if you're 20 years old, you should PROBABLY get the admin role; but if you're 21, maybe get the next highest role; there are roughly 73 official roles meaning like 73 years worth of leveling up. 561/ All I want for Christmas is for the coolest people to demote everybody else to below the red admin role, the cooler you are, then the higher the role you should PROBABLY get; please demote all the weirdos and trolls and vampires. 562/ If MICHAEL JACKSON was inactive, would you demote him? 563/ It'd be cool if each group of roles took care of the group under them; let's use the Star Wars analogy: imagine being ADMIN KENOBI and you successfully trained GUARD SKYWALKER to become an ADMIN like you; then maybe ADMIN KENOBI then levels up; do that for each group. 564/ Would you demote MICHAEL JACKSON for being inactive and when I say MICHAEL JACKSON, you gotta know I do NOT actually mean MICHAEL JACKSON. 565/ People should be promoted up a role only once a year to the next highest role unless if you're really cool, the cooler you are then maybe the faster you level up; there are roughly 73 levels meaning 73 years of fun or for cool people only a few seconds of fun. 566/ Most people should probably be below admin and only level up one role per year. 567/ Most people should probably be below admin and some people should probably never ever level up even after 85 years of hard work. 568/ You probably should be at least 100 years old before you can level up to the warlocks in level 62 or level 63 or whatever number that role might have. 569/ I'm not trolling, most people should have lower roles; but I did NOT say everybody should be demoted; I only said most people; it takes a lot of wisdom to know who the best of the best are. 570/ Too many unqualified immature idiots have roles above admin and should probably be demoted; the best of the best in our Discord Server should PROBABLY demote all of the losers right now. 571/ The cooler you are, the faster you should level up; if you're MICHAEL JORDAN, you should PROBABLY level up faster than other people; like once you join the server, you should probably be given OWNER within seconds because the best of the best should rise faster than weirdos. 572/ Any role above admin probably shouldn't be given out merely based on hypothetical theoretical potential but instead based on actual work. 573/ Do something really cool like fly a rocket to Mars like Elon Musk if you really want me to make you owner of our Discord Server right now. 574/ Several people have been JEDI or higher; some of the roles have changed over the years; there were times that the GODS role was actually the highest role and then I started adding roles especially around like 2023; Zombie is higher than JEDI right now; some trolls were GODS. 575/ Zombie has a higher role because he did cool things on the Internet, you can Google it. 576/ I think even the admin role was the highest at times and then there were other roles added; and I eventually created the gods role which was then the brand new highest role until roughly 2023. 577/ Roy might be evil or Roy might be just lame. 578/ But notice Logic Zombie has a higher role than Alliana but it's not like Logici Zombie is his real name; Logic is on Twitter, YouTube and has a blog. 579/ Trolls pretended to love me in 2023, they got the highest roles and then nuked this Discord Server several different times; so now I'm like very paranoid who to trust and not trust as anybody could be out to get me and destroy me like before. 580/ I'm not saying people have to go totally public to get promoted but the idea is have skin in the game. 581/ I actually wear a shirt Roy sent me each night, that shirt is part of my pajamas. 582/ Andru should demote everybody to the mods role for not knowing Animals Are Dying. 583/ Andru should demote everybody who doesn't know a lot of Oatmeal Trivia. 584/ Promote people who are building the Oatmeal Empire or their own empire.
Twitter Tweets
I am not sure if I did appeal or I forget, Twitter was restoring accounts automatically as Elon Musk was buying Twitter to hide corruption
But I may have tried appealing a few times, I may have been suspended for spoiling a kiss in that last Star Wars movie, Rise of Skywalker
But beyond that, I was probably mostly banned off Twitter for contesting the 2020 election, I shared links to the Stop The Steal movement; if I did appeal, I probably addressed those 2 things and gave my opinions about them a little
01:48 PM
The more important thing is transparency, we should have blockchain websites, public databases and/or ways of keeping track of how tax dollars are used because often times trillions of dollars magically go missing; a lot of money is wasted.
02:00 PM
Many Trump supporters block me on Twitter X, can you ask them why they do that.
03:31 PM
By the way, how long did it take you to get monetized on Twitter X? I think it says I have to have like 5M impressions in the last 3 months plus about 500 verified blue check followers before I can apply for monetization, my goal is to meet those requirements before February 2025.
10:40 PM
Here's a compilation video I made from other videos, I uploaded this in 2016
11:38 PM
YouTube restored two of my three channels but refused to let me appeal the third channel, YouTube bots automatically reject my appeal applications
11:53 PM
YouTube removed my Trump 5G video which I uploaded a few years ago, this video is about fiber optics, it has nothing to do with medical misinformation because it has to do with technology, Google is lying yet again; YouTube had this channel suspended for years before restoring this channel; YouTube restored two of my three channels but refused to even let me appeal the third channel at all these past almost eight years. YouTube also deleted this video which was uploaded four years ago in 2020, YouTube suspended this channel in 2022 but restored it a few days ago in 2024 and then took the time to now remove this video which simply had random screenshots from my computer which isn't really medical misinformation, people need to sue the Hell out of YouTube for this kind of abuse and this level of deception as Google is involved in being complicit to the killer Covid Vaccines and I hope Trump and Elon Musk can take people to court, we need new Nuremberg Trials, YouTube attacked me, YouTube stole over ten thousand videos of mine over the years.
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The Madness 103-105
2024-12-05 - Thursday - 02:25 AM - The Madness 103-105
He is like being framed or possibly did it himself with a split personality. He tries to run away. But realized he would always run away like an Arnold Attic story. He decided to like turn himself in or somehow he ended up there. Lady killed people. He jumps into the water.
11:32 AM
Bill Maher didn't want to go down with the sinking Titanic, Bill suddenly saw the light it seems, Bill lets see what Trump does says Alex Jones.
02:54 PM
Always good to see Robert Barnes @barnes_law on Alex Jones breaking it down regarding Trump being battle hardened by globalists past ten years, cutting the Ukraine funding.
03:18 PM
Vaccines been synthetic since 1992 said Judy Mikovits on Alex Jones meaning shots have caused injuries for decades especially to the brain, forward this to RFK Jr, Elon Musk and Trump; Judy discusses the killer Covid Vaccines which we've been warning people about for years.
10:03 PM
But globalists are plotting things worse than Covid to throw at Trump, things worse than Jan6, globalists are trying to spring more false flags to frame Trump with, will people be fooled by the globalists?
Here is a list of what I'm watching
12:40 AM
Biden Plans Blanket PARDON FOR FAUCI And Others In Fear Of Trump Admin w/Decoy Voice | Timcast IRL
01:15 AM
CobraCast 199 Wednesday
The Madness 103-105
Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to my Oatmeal Daily which is generally posted & syndicated to different websites daily by me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, feel free to mirror, edit, clip, reupload my content. For more information, see some of the links on this page or you can try to Google search or look me up using keywords like Oatmeal Joey Arnold @ joeyarnoldvn and other keywords. Try using different combinations of words in search engines for better results. No late night snacks like previous nights. Probably better not to snack too late or in the middle of the night even tho my dad would. Bed around 5 AM. Forget dreams but was thinking about them. Awoke around 10:40 AM. Mark was over again, this time to take him in for blood work. Now on a liquid only diet. RV video: getting sick is your body way of saying slow down video. Breakfast: 11:28 AM. Lunch: 01:39 PM. Dishes, 04:00 PM for like an hour or longer. Compost. Mail. Don't work so hard if you're working too hard ten-minute video, join the Oatmeal Diddy Party if you're tired of being scammed by the Hawk Tuah Meme Coin video. Used the device program to fix my main external 4TB hard drive. Not sure what happened but was not able to save a text file and it might be an address issue meaning the path to the file address may have changed or something. Maybe the address base of the drive itself changed or something. Dinner: 05:38 PM. Dishes, 07:10 PM, groceries delivery from like Walmart, backdoor, brought in the 3 paper sacks of food including chicken mom is cooking. Back here at 07:25 PM for more food. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 6 tangerines, 11:28 AM. Lunch: tuna, 01:39 PM. Dinner: fish, fruit salad in a plastic container from a store, 05:38 PM. Rice and beans, 07:26 PM. Tea.