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joeyarnoldvn5.816 months agoHive.Blog8 min read

You guys should ping everybody once every hour or once every day, come up with contests, games, challenges, like for example, you should tell everybody to send voice messages because I'm always tempted to promote based off that and I'm also running challenges on my TikTok where I challenge people to share my videos from TikTok to this Discord, you should copy and paste this message for the General Chat of Oatmeal World and you should screenshot this too.

5/ Notice how when Oatmeal Content is shown in Oatmeal World, notice how nobody cares and how everybody ignores it making Oatmeal World become Fake Oatmeal World.

Cut some of the grass. Lawnmower broke. Raspberries picking Videos: RV video, we now have one god for every one hundred members in Oatmeal World Discord. Watched: Glow 106-110, Alex Jones, Lionel Nation on Chrissie Mayr, Timcast

2006, Scans, Part 1
2006, Scans, Part 2



Oatmeal Daily - 2024-07-23 - Tuesday | Published in July of 2024



In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.



Discord Drama

2024-07-23 - Tuesday - 01:51 PM - Discord Log

You guys should ping everybody once every hour or once every day, come up with contests, games, challenges, like for example, you should tell everybody to send voice messages because I'm always tempted to promote based off that and I'm also running challenges on my TikTok where I challenge people to share my videos from TikTok to this Discord, you should copy and paste this message for the General Chat of Oatmeal World and you should screenshot this too. 02:02 PM: 3/ Pinging everybody might be a problem but some of those people were bound to leave eventually and the real problem is that this server is not growing meaning pinging is only bringing the inevitable which is people are always leaving servers and it is only a question of are they leaving faster than they are joining and if more people leave than join, then extinction will prevail. 5/ Notice how when Oatmeal Content is shown in Oatmeal World, notice how nobody cares and how everybody ignores it making Oatmeal World become Fake Oatmeal World. Should we only ping everybody once every five seconds or once every five years? 6/ I'm dying to make everybody gods and owners in Oatmeal World, please send audio messages, links, and whatever else when applying for higher positions, roles, levels; please screenshot this, please copy and paste this to the General Chat of this Oatmeal World Discord Server every five seconds for everybody to see, we currently have one god for every 100 members and we should begin removing gods as soon as we drop under 1800 members as we currently have 18 gods, let's make this happen. 9/ The constitution is NOT all about giving people freedom but about stopping the government from being fucking dicks. Please ask General Chat which god should be demoted when we drop under 1800 members as we should have one god per 100 members, let's do some polls, let's vote people off the Oatmeal Island. 07:50 PM: People are not leaving because of the pings, you must see the pings are mere symptoms of deeper issues that was already there, please ping this message in General Chat every five seconds or I'm gonna demote every mod every five seconds from now on, please copy and paste this message, please screenshot this message, please actually ping everybody this message every five seconds or else, pings is an excuse, people are triggered by the pings, but the pings is more the cover story like that curtain in the Goddamn Original Green Oatmeal Wizard of Oz. 10:04 PM: 13/ Heirs of Oatmeal are those who try to make Oatmeal GIFs and Oatmeal Memes and many different things to try to oatmeal the oatmeal into pop culture and world history so that it can never die as oatmeal is not a person but an idea, to quote from V from Vendetta, ideas are bullet-proof. I would probably stop attacking Roy if Roy said, "Oatmeal, I'm sorry for being so incompetent with computers, sorry for like lying, sorry for misleading, sorry for not being totally honest, sorry for being so deceptive, I was only trying to talk all crazy because I had a crush on you Oatmeal but I'm now madly in love with Suno, goodbye my lover, goodbye my friend. I'm moving on to my robot lover, Mister Suno." The Automod was set to send that code, CODE 77 FROG BLUE RA RA, when it sees 20 repeated words I think in a single message.

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Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Glow 106-108

2024-07-23 - Tuesday - 03:18 AM - Glow 106-108

They develop their acts. First show was hard with one getting a heart attack. Other had her former husband show up. But the show ended with their theme song.

Glow 109-110

2024-07-23 - Tuesday - 10:30 PM - Glow 109-110

They taped the first show which had two surprised endings, first the American woman stealing the title from the Russian Chinese tag-team followed with the black welfare chick taking it from the blond in the end. Brilliant ending to this first season.

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Glow 109-110

2024-07-23 - Tuesday - 10:30 PM - Glow 109-110

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. I got up at 10:20 AM. RV video, we now have one god for every one hundred members in Oatmeal World Discord. Server. Breakfast, 11:20 AM. Lunch, 12:01 PM. Dishes around 04:00 PM for an hour. Coffee to RV. Mail. Back here at 05:00 PM. Dinner, 05:15 PM. Was cutting the grass until it stopped. I was helping Larry try to fix it but we failed at that. Back in here around like 07:00 PM. Shower around 08:00 PM. Raspberries picking, 09:00 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, 2 tangerines, 11:20 AM. Lunch: fish, potatoes, 12:01 PM. Cherry pie slice, 12:48 PM. Dinner: meatloaf with spicy jam or whatever it is called, 05:15 PM. Salad, 08:20 PM. The last bag of those chips from Sunday, 10:30 PM. Like I said before, I probably somewhat regret eating the chips in some ways. I kind of enjoyed eating them and wanted to eat them and so I would.


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