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joeyarnoldvn481.494 years agoHive.Blog27 min read

A Warrior Calls.

Sat Phones.

Thousands of people are out in the streets of London not wearing masks. Americans should renounce their municipal and territorial citizenship. Did Biden go to print more money using American land as what the money is backed by since it can no longer be backed by gold? Was England and the Vatican sub-contractors in the formation of America, were they not granted rights over the lands which belong to Americans, were the founding fathers smart enough to prevent corporate entities from stealing land from we the people? If you are a slave, subject, or a legal person, you're not free. Millions of businesses went bankrupt in the last few months.

Why so capitalized?

According to Roman law, Capitus Diminutio is the means of diminishing of status through the use of capitalization, that is why they put your name in in capital letters, in uppercase letter, in legal documents, it says JOHN DOE in all caps. 40% of your your taxes go to England and the remaining 60% goes to the Vatican. Bill Gates had to end his Ask Me Anything live stream video because of some of the questions and things people started saying. A Warrior Calls and Infowars Phone websites.

2021, March

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2021-03-20 - Saturday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-03-20 - Saturday
Published in March of 2021


Sat Phones

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Americans should renounce their municipal and territorial citizenship.

If you are a slave, subject, or a legal person, you're not free.

According to Roman law, Capitus Diminutio is the means of diminishing of status through the use of capitalization, that is why they put your name in in capital letters, in uppercase letter, in legal documents, it says JOHN DOE in all caps.

Millions of businesses went bankrupt in the last few months.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Americans should renounce their municipal and territorial citizenship.

Infowars Phone

2021-03-20 - Saturday - 11:46 PM - Tech Log - Infowars Phone

Infowars Phone
Sat Phones

Click on Sat Phones
The first link, Infowars Phone, is not working.
The first link was supposed to redirect to te second link but is not now.

Covid News

For more info, please visit Banned Video



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Not Free?

2021-03-20 - Saturday - 03:28 PM - Freedom Log - Website

If you are a slave, subject, or a legal person, you're not free.

Lawful and Legal

2021-03-20 - Saturday - 04:01 PM - Freedom Log - Facebook

There is a DISTINCTION between what is LEGAL and what is LAWFUL.

Oatmeal Health

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Christian Bale, Little Women

2021-03-20 - Saturday - 08:20 PM - I Watched Log

Noticed that Christian Bale was in the 1994 Little Women which I saw bits and pieces of as a kid but didn't know Jack from one of my favorite films at that time, 1992 Disney's Newsies, was also in this movie too. Didn't know the story is based on and in civil war era England.

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

Is there a choice?

09:38 PM - Facebook

Marilyn Mitchell, Judge Anna von Reitz from Big Lake Alaska has a website, she was in a video talking about this. I take all of this information I posted on my Facebook today as interesting theories. She says you can write specific things on the back of checks.

Marilyn Mitchell, I wonder if the Tower of Babel was a corporation. But I really don't know when corporations started specifically or the distinctions it may have with companies. Well, I think I understand some of the basic distinctions.

Marilyn Mitchell, this is a good diagram describing a good theory on how banks use people as financial collateral by getting people to agree to being bound to contracts on the personage or corporate entity which resembles our name, it is like identity theft in a sense.


  # [Chat with me on Twitter](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/twitter) [Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/twitter-timeline) ___

02:16 PM
My Pillow Land




  # [Chat with me on YouTube](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/youtube) [Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube](https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn/youtube-timeline) ___

10:42 PM
John Kerry on a plane with no mask.


Other Websites

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1993 AT&T Vision of the Future

01:23 PM - Hive

1993 AT&T Vision of the Future included a centralized monopoly on Alexa which was personified as a man avatar on the wife's computer, no reference to Semrush, Google Home, MyCroft, or other Alexa alternatives, competitors.

It also referenced online shopping, the ability to order things, the ability to Deep Fake, and the list goes on and on.

Not About Sex

02:24 AM - Hive

Trump did not get money from those countries, that is fake news. The picture you pointed out is NOT sexually insulting Biden. It is NOT sexual, it is a illustration of political corruption and other things.

It is NOT homosexual.

It is a MEME. Do you understand English? I told you this already and you ignored what I wrote. I feel like you do not even know five year old English. I wrote using the smallest words I could think of. I write in very simple English. I use short sentences. I said already it is NOT sexual. You go on to say the picture was sexual.

It is NOT sexual.

Yes, the picture LOOKS sexual but is NOT sexual. Do you understand what a meme is? It is not about sex. I am a little mad. Do you know that a picture of Biden in bed having sex with a man is NOT about sex.

It is NOT about sex.

Can you not understand the word "NOT" means no, do you understand that or do you believe that the picture is sexual? But it is a meme. And the meme is not a photograph. It is not a direct message.

The differences between different countries is NOT what you think if you knew history.

End of the world already?

02:33 AM - Hive

What I wrote has NOTHING to do with America or one country. A meme is something anybody can understand. They have memes in many countries.

What is a meme?

Do you know what a meme is? A meme is a symbol, an icon, an avatar, an illustration, a diagram, a concept, a theory described visually, it can be a story personified in a drawing, a metaphor, an idiom, a poster, a advertisement, etc. A meme can have hidden meaning inside. A meme can look like one thing but be about another thing.

In a video today, China officials were laughing at America saying that the U.S. government cannot talk to China from a position of strength.

It does NOT matter what Koreans think, they can think Santa Clause will come and play video games with them every day. But Santa did not come. Santa will NOT come. Koreans can THINK anything they want but can be wrong sometimes.

Koreans can believe in lies if they want to and live in a fantasy world.

Right now, America is dying like never before in history.

People can say nice things about Biden as China takes over America.

The picture of Biden having sex with Pooh is shocking.

But the end of the world is shocking too.

Americans Seeking Freedom

2021-03-20 - Saturday - 10:12 AM - Freedom Log - IS THIS OUR LAST CHANCE TO RESTORE THE REPUBLIC? -- ANNA VON REITZ

Americans should renounce their municipal and territorial citizenship.

03:55 PM
40% of your your taxes go to England and the remaining 60% goes to the Vatican.

Many countries send the taxes to England who then sends 60% to the Vatican.

Dai Trinh

11:23 PM - Proton Mail Reply to Dai Trinh

Yes, I agree with you, people are diamonds, stars, priceless.
I was wrong and right at the Leaf Pagoda. I want to make some videos and write some articles about it. Very long story. I want everybody to understand everything. In my life, I did many good things and bad things. It can be very hard to explain the good and the bad together. Many times, I try too hard to do good. Sometimes, trying too hard can be bad. Sometimes, you should pick your battles. I have a million things I want to say about everything.
According to one study, over 80% of people who got Covid were deficient of Vitamin D which comes from the sun. That means they didn't have enough Vitamin D which is an essential vitamin.
When you don't have enough essential vitamins in your body, your immune system goes down and you die within days or sooner.
Covid vaccines are killing people.
Over 99% of people survive Covid.
Most people who they say died of Covid actually died of comorbidity meaning they died of other things.
Too many people are unhealthy and that means anything can make them sick anything can kill them, not only Covid but even the Flu or the Common Cold.
I like freedom.
I don't want governments to tell me I cannot invite people to my house to buy something from me.
I believe in private property rights and the right to take risks which includes the risk of death.
If you go to my house and get sick or maybe even die, then you should then take me to your court for murder or for getting me sick. Have judges and jurors see in a trial that I am guilty of hurting you and send me to prison.
In other words, don't punish me before I go to court.
Lockdown violates the 5th and 6th amendments in the American constitution which deals with a right to a speedy trial.
When you pre-judge a person, you violate the bill of rights in America.
I don't know what kind of rights Vietnamese might have in Vietnam.
In America, they violate the 4th amendment and HIPAA regarding privacy when assuming the health status of a person by saying they must wear masks.
Masks also violates public international commerce laws.
Vaccines are killing so many people.
The dollar is dying, hyper-inflation, it is losing value and will likely lose more than 99% of it's value before 2022 maybe, that is in nine months from now, maybe sooner than that. It can happen suddenly overnight.
People need to be ready for anything.

Is this a good starting point?

11:51 PM - Hive

Good life advice here, I totally agree with that type of philosophy, part of is self-discovery, part of it is in regards to transparency, and it also serves as an archive timeline.

So, these types of posts of mine serve partly as a starting point for a wide variety of things, I like what you are saying, thank you.




Watch Commentary

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

The Umbrella Academy 102

2021-03-20 - Friday - 02:39 AM - 03:40 AM - The Umbrella Academy 102

Video tapes. End of the world. Learning music. Siblings. Not seeing daughter. Did future boy marry a doll and have her for 35 years or was it a real woman? Guy pretends to be boy's father to look at eye ball thing which is from the future too. We see they are all dead in the future.

SGT Report


There is theory stating when a person is born in the United States, say during or after the 1960s for example, when that person is born and then given a birth certificate from the U.S. state, that the certificate makes that person into two types of citizens, a dual citizenship but into things that an American is not or should not be.

During the U.S. Civil War in the 1800s, all the states, not just the southern states, were confederate states.

Americans should renounce their municipal and territorial citizenship.

A marriage license became a contract between 3 parties, you, your partner, and a state.
Sadly, when you sign it, you're giving the state custodial rights and power over your stuff and we all know what happens with divorces, child support, and especially the problem of when a spouse dies and the other spouse is often unable to get the money.

Did Biden go to print more money using American land as what the money is backed by since it can no longer be backed by gold?

Was the U.S. Civil War actually a mercenary conflict?
The civil war was never declared and there was no peace treaty ending it.
The civil war was similar to the Vietnam American War in the sense it was not a declared war.
President Andrew Johnson declared that the land was at peace in 1865. It's important to understand what that means and what that does not mean. It's also important to understand the foundation of America, how it became a country in the 1700s, the major parts of its engine as a union of states that might be partly comparable to that of the union between states or countries in Europe in what we call the European Union (EU) which may be different in many ways but is still a union of states like America was or still is possibly.

Dear Americans,


You're not a territorial citizen of the nation and/or corporation of Puerto Rico (possibly just a nation).


And you're also not a federal municipal employee or dependent of the (possibly defunct) corporation of the District of Columbia (DC).


But it seems they have you as both when you are actually neither of those two things, talk about over a century of fraud among other things.

This is how things appear to be according to Maritime Law or Admiralty Law or Law of the Sea which is governing people who are currently not located within their territory as if they are living abroad as in not living inside their nation.


Perhaps, you are just a citizen of Puerto Rico and not really a citizen of America. If that is true, it puts you in legal limbo, it is as if they're playing keep away, you're the monkey in the middle, you want the ball as the monkey in the middle.


You try to get the ball but you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, legally speaking, assuming you are stuck between a foreign land and a corporation seated in DC.


It is important to consider the possibility that you are in fact neither coming nor going, that you are in fact placed in a legal limbo.


You should at least take the time to prove to the world that you are in fact not stuck in this limbo.


We can get out of the limbo, you can come follow us out of the limbo if you are seeking freedom.

Was America put under a contract with Great Brittan during the foundation of America, and/or were there contracts during the civil war or after that.

Likewise, does America have contracts regarding the postal service with the Roman Catholic Church or empire? Did the Catholics help in the corporate formation of DC? Or are these things that happened in 1865, 1871, and/or other times?

Was England and the Vatican sub-contractors in the formation of America, were they not granted rights over the lands which belong to Americans, were the founding fathers smart enough to prevent corporate entities from stealing land from we the people?

Are there two types of IRS entities, is there a territorial IRS and a municipal IRS as well, are these two different entities?

02:13 PM
If you're not a declared dependent and/or civil employee of the territorial or federal municipal powers that be, then there are things you can do, things you can consider, and I do challenge you to consider who you are and who you desire to be.

Should you should endorse your checks to be cashed out as real money?

Why does the IRS say it is voluntary?

Should you endorse your checks as redeemable as lawful money?

02:23 PM
Americans should probably say they're NOT federal citizens, not dependents of powers that be, and are not employees of them.

Democrats is a lobby for the federal government and the RINO Republicans is a lobby for the military.

Proxy votes is like a delegation to have a person vote on your behalf and hopefully the person votes how you say. This might be like having a representative.

02:55 PM
One of the problems with Open Borders hinges on the Welfare State. In a hypothetical state where there is no free money among other things, there can be less incentive for too many people and especially the wrong kinds of people to come. Open Borders is problematic because of how things are as opposed to an ideal place which does not really exist in America. I used to live in Vietnam and their borders are relatively more open in some ways as immigrants are not given financial aid or other benefits from the Vietnamese government.

Too many Americans are not prepared to handle refugees in the sense that too many Americans don't have guns, don't have walls around their land, and they don't have ability to handle themselves in the wild wild west. Too many people are like babies, like kids dependent on training wheels when riding bikes.

Too many people are employees which means illegal aliens can come in and take their jobs. Americans are in this bad situation in the sense they are way too dependent on everything.

Each state in America should be and probably was more like an independent country once upon a time, Texas is a big example of that and the original 13 colonies is another example of that.

Each city and especially each family should have the skills and ability to handle themselves when say many immigrants come to their local community.

America should try to close their borders as much as they can for as long as they can until Americans could possibly prepare to handle foreigners.

So, if enough Americans were able to defend their private property rights over their lands, their cities, their local communities and neighborhoods and farmlands and forests and seaports and airports and landports and trainports; then the foreigners who came through the open borders would have no where to go.

Say for example if a man from Honduras walks through Mexico and then into a small town in Texas, then he should have to prove himself in that local community, he needs to earn the trust of the people in that land, and they should consider maybe hiring him or not. It should depend on merit. If people want to give him a try, they can. If he rapes, if he murders, then they can perhaps punish him, jail him, or maybe even banish him from their town. Perhaps they should put a tattoo on him declaring that he was banned from their city.

But like I said, too many towns are not prepared or are not willing to give foreigners that kind of tough love kind of thing and the powers that be may stop us from giving foreigners tough love.

If Anna is for open borders, she might be speaking from a hypothetical perspective of an American system which doesn't really exist right now but she might be at least partly right if we were able to remove enough foreign aid and domestic welfare among other things.

This is the original [founding] document you acquire from the service corporation [Gov] registrar general office.

If you are a slave, subject, or a legal person, you're not free.

03:38 PM
According to Roman law, Capitus Diminutio is the means of diminishing of status through the use of capitalization, that is why they put your name in in capital letters, in uppercase letter, in legal documents, it says JOHN DOE in all caps.

On the back of your birth certificate, you may find a CUSIP number which you can find on the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission website at https://www.sec.gov/

03:48 PM
When you were born, they issued out bonds which is based on the estimated amount of taxes you would be paying back to them in the course of your entire lifetime, that is what the CUSIP number is for on the back of your birth certificate, they gamble on your life, you became banking collateral.

CitizenSHIP, as if you're a ship, property, a personAGE.

40% of your your taxes go to England and the remaining 60% goes to the Vatican.

04:11 PM
Legal crown courts are private and apply to fictional corporations.


Crown courts are inferior to lawful Common Law Courts which applies to men and women (not corporate PERSONS).

Crown Courts deal with the sea while Common Law Courts have land jurisdiction.


They tricked us, they sought to trap us under the LEGALITY of the Crown Court by surrendering our rights.


We should seek after being under the LAWFUL Common Law Courts as opposed being a slave of the LEGAL Crown Courts.

04:19 PM
What is the difference between a U.S. citizen and a American National?


04:22 PM - Her Website

Last paragraph reads:

All fiat money systems based on “Notes” whether “Federal Reserve Notes” or “US Treasury Notes” are illegal in America, aka,
The United States of America (Major) composed of 50 organic states, and you are under complete demand to provide legal
tender based on gold and silver coin standards. Otherwise, your clientele will be strictly limited to “US citizens” and you will be
under full obligation to completely reveal (1) the difference between “US citizens” and “American Nationals” and precluded
from offering service to any American National; (2) required to prove the citizenship status of all clients and that they have
adopted that status knowingly, willingly, and under conditions of complete, explicit, and fully discussed disclosure of the
consequences as well as any benefits, (3) honor the living status of American Nationals and never again create accounts merely
“in the name” of any living man or woman born on the land of the American states based on “representations” made in their
behalf, (4) commit no act of false advertising, such as advertising “loans” based on the customer’s own credit. All national banks
operating facilities on the land of the states will be obliged to conform to state standards and function according to “The
Constitution for the united States of America” when addressing or offering services of any kind to American Nationals.
The circumstance that American Nationals have suffered in having no money with which to pay debts is entirely the fault of the
private, for-profit corporations under contract to provide these governmental services and the Department of Defense Financial
Services Administration. Any bank proposing to offer service to the American Nationals must provide interest free commodity
based real money subject to the gold and silver coin standard, not corporate I.O.U.’s, not fiat “debt notes”, and cannot charge any
interest, make any loan, or offer to indebt any American National or state on the basis of failure to provide such service.
Military Officers, Police, Provost Marshals, Civilian Employees of DOD – Remember who you actually work for and make no
mistake. There are two different populations being served. American Nationals pay for your services and are owed your good
faith service and dedication. “US citizens” are allowed to be present on the land of the organic states, but operate (at present)
under a different government and are not owed the same protections, rights, and guarantees. All American Nationals are owed all
protections of their national trust indenture and commercial service contract known as “The Constitution for the united States of
America” and any law, rule, statute, or code serving to infringe upon them or their material rights in contravention of their
Constitution is a violation of the Law of the Land and the Supreme Law of the Land which you are obligated to observe, honor,
and protect under contract.

X22 Report


General Shepherd


Bill Gates had to end his Ask Me Anything live stream video because of some of the questions and things people started saying.

Thousands of people are out in the streets of London not wearing masks.

Millions of businesses went bankrupt in the last few months.

They stole the property to change the locks.

They locked up his restaurant, he had to sneak in and knock down his own door.


Watch Log

Here is a list of what I'm watching

Bozo The Clown
05:35 PM - Simpsons must have taken notes.

06:07 PM - Aaron Ross - RAMBLIN' ROSS "(Not For) Kid's Show" Promo

Im Not Norm - Norm Macdonald Saving Interviews Compilation

Wil Paranormal


General Shepherd


Charlie Ward



Dear diary, got up at 10 AM, 6 hours of sleep apx. Forgot my dreams. Vacuum, compost, critters, sliding glass backdoor analyze that it fell out too far to squeak like train tracks do for trains, dishes, from 11 AM to 01:35 PM apx, around 2.3 hours, sunny day, 2nd battery tester came from Amazon hand delivered to the door, also another audio cable as a backup. Dishes around 6 PM for an hour, maybe closer to 7 to 8. Then shower for 30 minutes to like 8:20 PM. A spoon of ice-cream. Some almost dark chocolate. Chips. Noticed that Christian Bale was in the 1994 Little Women which I saw bits and pieces of as a kid but didn't know Jack from one of my favorite films at that time, 1992 Disney's Newsies, was also in this movie too. Didn't know the story is based on and in civil war era England.

Food Log

Here is what I'm eating, drinking, consuming, digesting, my diet.

Breakfast: orange, 10:10 AM. Coffee. Second orange later. .
Lunch: potato on soup, 1:50 PM.
Dinner: soup stuff, 7 PM or so. A spoon of ice-cream. Some almost dark chocolate. Chips.

Ramblin' Rod

05:08 PM - YouTube comment

This show began life back in the early 1960s as "The Addie Bobkins Show" with original host Bob Adkins aka Addie Bobkins. Ramblin' Rod Anders (1933-2002) took over from Adkins in 1963-64, and the title "The Ramblin' Rod Show" was officially adopted beginning around the spring or summer of 1970. Initially seen late in the afternoon, the then half-hour program moved to mornings in the fall of 1975, and was expanded to a full hour as well.


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