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joeyarnoldvn510.885 years agoSteemit27 min read

Addictions become the new normal. So, the high that you get eventually becomes the average. Therefore, in order to feel normal, you end up back in your habits, good or bad. That's right, addictions and lifestyles can be good and bad. Addictions are chosen partly for the benefits over the consequences. Breaking a habit is tougher if there is no replacement plan. There must be commitment and some surrender, some faith. Accountability helps in these types of situations. Deep inside your heart, you can ask yourself about your priorities, your time management. You can write it down. It's your life. Sometimes, you end up making choices that counter your goals. So, when that happens, write it down. Tell a close friend each time. Have a plan. Seek after your main goals. Pray for a belief in your life missions. It can be tough but you are not stuck where you are. But the path towards braking your bondage includes admitting to the problems at hand. | Why Everything is FUCKED UP!!!!! | 1967 Recording Predicted Everything Happening In The World in 2020 | Alex Jones talked to people about the U.S. strike on Iran. What should Trump do? Of course, he should try harder to get U.S. troops out of wars oversea. We should be stopping the United Nations who is hiring foreign soldiers right now to confiscate American's firearms.





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