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1992-08-01 - Fair


joeyarnoldvn445.024 years agoHive.Blog9 min read

An illustrative diary of a seven-year-old Joey Arnold, that's me, on a sunny summer day.

As a family, while Katie was off with Aunt Karen, Uncle Jim, their family, in California to see Uncle Brian and his family from July 25th to August 9th, the rest of us excluding dad went off to the fair in Hillsboro, Oregon, USA, on Saturday, the first day of August of 1992.


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We hopped on bus 57.

We went to the fair.

We looked at some art, paintings, statues, other items.

We probably stopped by a "Touch 'N' See petting zoo: I remember seeing rabbits, farm animals, etc. We were petting some of them. I remember sitting on like a camel or that might have been a different summer but the same place. Most likely that summer.

Me and Crystal must have went on cars or bumper carts or something. Also, a merry-go-round or carousal. Also, I probably went with Rick on a roller coaster dragon ride or something like it. Also, there may have been a few other rides, a few other things too, and I may be conflating some of the details here with a few other summers, a few other events, activities, other roller coasters from the same place and possibly other places in Hillsboro during the 1990's.

Rick and I were watching the pirates dive off their ship into water. It was a big show. It's was almost like bridge or cliff diving.

After that, or possibly before the pirates, we watched Indians talk, sing, and dance. That was the main highlight of that day for me. At the end of that, we joined hands in a giant circle to dance. Part of the time, we were probably not holding hands but were dancing as a group going around in a circle.

After that, we probably walked by the pirates as we were walking to the bus to go home. Dad was probably at work that day and Katie was probably at a family reunion in California that week according to a letter she wrote to mom's dad, grandpa Dick (Richard Morehead) and grandma Skip. So, it was just us four, mom, Rick, Joey (me), and Crystal.

After that, I remember seeing bungee jumping not off the legs but off the waist off this tower. That was while we were walking to the bus. We hopped on the bus, went home, went to bed eventually, the end. I may have also saw bungee jumping that same place other summers as well.


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1992-08-01 - Fair

Published on 2020-09-15
Published in September of 2020
Spirit of the West - A Celebration of the Arts - West One Bank

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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Going to the Fair

1992-08-01 - Saturday - We went to the fair in Hillsboro, OR on Saturday, the first day of August of 1992. I drew almost 28 drawings or pages illustrating that day as follows, subtitles, caption, or notes, written by mom, Marilyn Mitchell.

The Fair

The fair was behind WinCo or what was a different grocery store at that time near the entrance of Hillsboro from the Forest Grove side.

A Just Joey Story

Based on a true story
Sleeping on or in his bed.
Going to eat breakfast.

Walking on the sidewalk, out of the house, the trailer I grew up in.
Walking down the street to the bus stop.

Waiting at the bus stop near the Seven Day Adventist church.

Getting on the bus on Pacific Ave.
Getting off the bus.

Waiting for the fair bus.

Getting on the fair bus.

Joey is inside the fair bus.

Getting off the fair bus.

We got off the bus, walked on the grass, to the fair entrance.
We handed in the ticket at the entrance.

This was off topic and written on the back.

Going to a building.

Exhibits of art, photographs, paintings, drawings, inside a building.

Going out of the exhibit building.

Ricky, Joey, a ride.

Rabbits & chickens building.
We probably rode on the dragon ride.


Pirates Gone Wild

My brother took me over to watch the high dive pirates act while Crystal and mom were I don't know.

I was riding in cars or bumper carts or something with Crystal.

We went over and Indians were talking.


We must have saw some statues or at least one statue.

Indians Gone Wild

We danced with the Indians in a circle, the drums were beating. It was fun.

We watched the pirates again for a few seconds while walking towards the bus to go home.

Getting off the bus and walking to our home, space number 163.

Going to bed that Saturday night, the end.


California Trip

1992-07-20 - Katie's letter to grandpa Dick, grandma Skip
California: July 25th to August 9th, 1992


Joey Gone Wild

I drew on the back of that letter



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