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Bantayan Island Escapade| Highlighting the Phenomenal Ogtong Cave


jobeliever1.7 K9 months agoPeakD6 min read

There were things in life that were unexpected and immediate action must be taken. There, I tell you, this is an ambush plan, hahaha. Yet, we were planning this before but due to some issues in life, it was canceled. Then, Mam Lerre opened this idea once again to be agreed upon, so I seconded the motion to encourage everyone to close the motion. Gladly, some of our friends agreed and were excited about this hasty trip to Bantayan Island.


Together, let's travel to the charming Bantayan Island with its fantastic and awe-inspiring view.

I woke up as early as 3 am, to cook food for my family. Then, I went to Mam Lerre's house so we could ride a bus together. We've been waiting for ages! Supposedly, we have to catch the 5 AM barge but due to a late bus, we proceed to the 6:30 AM barge.



As soon as we arrived at the Hagnaya Port, we hurriedly went to the ticketing office to get tickets and the environmental fee. The ticket costs 325 pesos or 5.77 dollars and an environmental fee of 20 pesos.



After we got our tickets, we ate our breakfast. Immediately, we went to the barge so we could get it.



We are 5 on this trip. Sir Lee, Mam Lerre, Mam Jera, and her husband. A bright and lovely day watched over us how excited we were as we stepped on the barge.




Flatboat stocked many life jackets equal to the passengers. There were two decks on the boat, others chose the bench where they could sit and relax, and we chose the berth where we could slumber comfortably while we were sailing.



I woke up from a nap and thought of sitting on a bench, savoring the moment while enjoying the splash of waves and taking advantage of reminiscing. Before, I was just a simple person who dreams bigger and now, I can't imagine how far I am now from where I've been. Just like the ship, moving so slowly yet there's progress.


After a moment, we finally landed safely. I feel delighted as I see the sea that it's clear and inviting.

We proceeded to our first itinerary which was to Jelly's Haven, next was in the Bantayan market, and lastly, but definitely the best experience was the Santa Fe Beach Club which they highlighted the Ogtong Cave.

Striking a pose outside the resort





Santa Fe Beach Club has been famous to tourists not just in neighboring municipalities but also from different places. Beachgoers tend to choose a beach that they can book overnight, a nice view, good accommodations, and something new to them. And just like us! Hehe

They have vibrant and healthy plants inside the premises. What I liked here was their narrow and bushy bougainvillea with white variety. We can't resist how beautiful it was, that's why we strike a pose as it's the background.




Their receiving area has accommodating staff, a fresh and cozy ambiance, and have soft sofa where we can sit comfortably while waiting for others to transact the payment. We paid 225 pesos each. Its inclusions were the pool, the sea, and the Ogtong Cave.


We were given orange wristbands which were an indication of a legit and already paid visitors. Also, we can use different their amenities.


A pose of celebration as to finally step this amazing and talk-of-the-town beach on the Island!



Before we went swimming, we fed our hungry stomachs in their dining area. Since we're from the market, we previously bought some food because we planned to eat here as we didn't know if there was food at this resort. As soon as we knew that they served food everything was mangled. So, we just ordered one bowl of soup which was bird's nest. Also, Mam Lerre and Sir Lee added something. So, this meal cost me 77 pesos or 1.38 dollars. One puso (hanging rice) is 5 pesos, two siomai (pork dumplings) are 20 pesos, a leche flan is 25 pesos, and a chip-in of bird's nest costs 32 pesos.




We went first to the open sea, it was low tide so, we went back to the swimming pool.



Their swimming pool has a pool watcher to watch over and to secure the safety of everybody. There were labeled measurements as to where we could dip according to our heights. I and Sir Lee brought extra clothes so we enjoyed this resort a lot! So let's go to our first and the highlight, the Ogtong Cave!

Magnificent Ogtong Cave



The magnificent Ogtong Cave is a cavern where there's freshwater inside. I don't know exactly where it came from however, it has a clear blue pool and cold water. The cave has some rocks inside where one is probably forbidden to dive and carefully watch over them, most especially the upper stones.



They made stairs for the visitors can go down safely. Their signature stairs are catchy to tourists as it's always the given picture on the websites.






During this time, many people were enjoying the beauty of nature. As soon as we reached the 7th foot of the cave, there was a sign that we should not go further as it was not yet ready to be shown. They haven't dug deeper yet it's already a magnificent cave after all.


We have enjoyed so much with this island adventure, and soon to those who are planning to come here. Here's the details👇

How to get here

👣 From Cebu City, ride a bus or a V-hire heading to Hagnaya Port.
👣 Get a ticket to the ticketing area then wait for your boarding schedule.
👣 Get into your booked ship as long as you've been called.
👣 When arrive at Santa Fe port, book a tricycle going to your itinerary.
👣 If you're bringing with you, a motorbike or car, you can search on Google Maps or use Waze for faster transactions.

I guess, that's all for today Hivers. See you on my next update for Bantayan Island. Bye😉

~I joBEElieve I can, so you can😉🫶



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