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iAmeAI Joins Hive


jnmarteau47.892 years agoPeakD5 min read


It is possible to fail with a great idea and a great team!

Attending the presentation of the result allows you to visualise the landing.

Here is our presentation at the end of Q3 2022. Let's discuss the landing afterwards? 👇

Do you want to create software?
Start an online business?
Compose publications?
Generate documents?

The iAmeAI software allows you to do so:

Just open it, express your wish, and the solution will follow, it's simple and within everyone's reach.


A short presentation ? You will be convinced.

What is the iAmeAI ?

@iAmeAi is an all-in-one management platform based on artificial intelligence. As smart tool, iAmeAi learns about the desired goals and automatically generates its funnel, website, e-shop, or publication by providing the licenses used. WITHOUT ANY CODE.

Make work easy
and fulfilling ?

iAmeAi is the ultimate solution for your content and digital needs. It's a great manager for organizing, designing and marketing your activity. Whether it's generating a website, online store or content in minutes, saving time every day and giving you peace of mind, it's the perfect assistant for your management.

iAmeAI in a nutshell


iAmeAI pre-release report

Back on Hive after several years of effort, the teams are taking stock of their work:

@manncpt has taken over @globalschool in Vienna and launched several amazing projects such as @winalab and offers to support iAmeAI's forthcoming proposal on Hive 👏👏👏

@generationeuropa is now coordinating an amazing Youth Center ! 💪🤠

@bertille-aa helped us clarify processes with the help of many @globalschool former students. 🤝

🖥️ A few thousand new pre-registered users. A few dozen distributors in training for the distribution of the packs and services available in the iAmeAI catalogue. Very nice presentation based on a scenario including multiple business models including a Tokenization and an already functional pre-release to clearly visualize the interest of these contributors thanks to the efforts of the executive team put in place by the relentlessness of Thierry with @solidarity 👏

🤖 lots of new programs already available in the solution and via internal conversations (Whatsapp/Telegram/Discord) to put the human where it has value thanks to better communication management by Wilfired who is taking over the communication with @ideamachine future publications.
🤩 a brand new series of 30 tools dedicated to business and creative project management. Already available under features flags in pre-alpha 🤤, these integrated software completely enhance the user experience by leveraging a business view of information without a learning curve.

🛫 A huge migration work make us benefit from a scalable cloud and new takes on by Roger from @hackathons and the DevOps team ! 🤜 > Yo < 🤛

🌹 the configuration of the whole system in #nocode has been around for a long time on the globalschool and iAme versions, but here, the new interfaces presented drive the nail (that's the word for a hammer) on the efficiency to make process automation even faster and easier to use: everything is integrated. New side panels for statistics and completely reorganised action libraries. A real joy! End of presentation announcement by Janet @blocktv, Graslyn and Samuel from @blockdev in charge of devs teams and integration : "it's in progress" 🚀 🚀 🚀

📝 A manifesto that is developing with our new advisory board. I'm waiting for their next intervention with all the anxiety of one who has glimpsed the difficulty of the subject before inviting them (we had organised a hackathon with 150 people dedicated to this subject without funds). - Publshed soon by our friends @blocklaw and @internetsociety contributors 💪

👨🚀 the brand new #texttoweb generative AI model in progress with @innovations. After this presentation, one forgets that it is about learning algorithms and statistical analyses on temporal data that are part of a dataset provided beforehand. It is simple, efficient, clear; a natural language understanding model "made in" Europe to provide simple access to the market and digitisation to anyone who can express themselves in writing or orally without any need for learning or technical qualification: "Underpromise, overdeliver" as they say. Expected release: mid Q2 💍

🏹 new iAmeAI deployment modes that leverage the #HIVE blockchain with @keychain to ensure the best security/performance/user experience trade-off for our members. Already offered to our first contributors. ✨

📡 From 2023 @iAmeAI will be offering all its contributors a Hive funded as I've started with my rewards via @blocktrades.

After a session like that, there's little risk to the quality of the solution landing, is there?

What’s next?

📢 (( ( The iAmeAI Adventures begins on HIVE in 2023 !

Follow us to keep updated.

Special thanks for all these wonderful contributions and help !
NB: All my personal rewards are re-invested to support our contributors at best.

PS : All your contributions and donations make this project possible and keep it above all a participatory project.
Danke für alle Votes und Kommentare! ♥️😎👍

♥️♥️♥️ Partagez un peu d'amour, nous vivons de cela ! ♥️♥️♥️
♥️♥️♥️ Share some love, we are living from it ! ♥️♥️♥️
♥️♥️♥️ Teile deine Liebe, wir leben davon ♥️♥️♥️


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